I stumbled across the site 365 Tomorrows a few months back and believe it could be of interest.
Here's the site's own description of itself: 365 tomorrows is a collaborative project designed to present readers with a new piece of short science and speculative ‘flash’ fiction each day. Launched August 1st 2005 with the lofty goal of providing a new story every day for a year, we’ve been on the wire ever since.
"Flash" fiction means each piece is less than one page in length. To be honest, some of the pieces are wretched, some mediocre, and others cliched but there are plenty of gems to be found and each of those gems could give you ideas for your gaming sessions.
Have fun reading,
I stumbled across the site 365 Tomorrows a few months back and believe it could be of interest.
Here's the site's own description of itself: 365 tomorrows is a collaborative project designed to present readers with a new piece of short science and speculative ‘flash’ fiction each day. Launched August 1st 2005 with the lofty goal of providing a new story every day for a year, we’ve been on the wire ever since.
"Flash" fiction means each piece is less than one page in length. To be honest, some of the pieces are wretched, some mediocre, and others cliched but there are plenty of gems to be found and each of those gems could give you ideas for your gaming sessions.
Have fun reading,