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Pre-Flight Checks: Travellercon-USA

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:alpha:Greetings Traveller Fans,

The Travellercon countdown is ON.

Welcome - Ken Burnside and Ad Astra Games to Travellercon!.

Last Day to pre-register at the reduced rate is today.
Last Day to Book your Room for Travellercon-USA at the low convention rate is tomorrow, October 5th.
Be sure to ask for the block of rooms reserved for the convention. The hotel is staffed by Bwaps and you know how they can be.

New Games Added:
Darkest Before the Dawn - CT adventure: A search for missing students gone horribly wrong.
Twilight Imperium - the boardgame. Close enough for Traveller purposes.
Jardin Deep: The Museum Theft - MT adventure: One of our Solomani Historical Heritage battleships is missing. Solomani PCs.

New Ad Astra Demos:
Squadron Strike - Azhanti Cruiser vs. Zho Kevchenzh in 3D
Attack Vector - Tactical. Newtonian Physics in Traveller? Who'd a thought it?

Travellercon-USA: How else are you going to celebrate the 30th anniversary of TRAVELLER?

Keith F.
Convention Coordinator
TravellerCon USA

:eek:o: I just tried telephoning the hotel to book a room for TravellerCon 2009, and I got a recording saying that the hotel was closed for renovation! Has TravellerCon been cancelled for this year? Has TravellerCon been moved to a different hotel? Or is the hotel EXPECTED to be operating on the days scheduled for TravellerCon?
:eek:o: I just tried telephoning the hotel to book a room for TravellerCon 2009, and I got a recording saying that the hotel was closed for renovation! Has TravellerCon been cancelled for this year? Has TravellerCon been moved to a different hotel? Or is the hotel EXPECTED to be operating on the days scheduled for TravellerCon?

I backed out of the convention after two months of attempting to get any help from the hotel or the convention staff failed. I got called "whiney" and overbearing and was talked down to(paraphrasing: "You'll come and you'll like it and will not ge any more than anyone else") after asking for simple help.

I do find it sad that I was told rather forcefully that the hotel would be reopening on oct 1st and here it is and they are still closed.

Glad I canceled

Marc Grossman
It's in PA. US Traveller fans are spread all over. I hear the hotel staff in Kansas City are very friendly and happen to be smack dab in the middle of the US. :D
It's in PA. US Traveller fans are spread all over. I hear the hotel staff in Kansas City are very friendly and happen to be smack dab in the middle of the US. :D

There are friendly and Reliable Hotel and convention staff's all over the world. I am just disappointed this one did not work out for me as it is in driving distance.

Good luck to those who do attend and hopefully the hotel will open in time for people to get rooms. And hopefully any complaints will not be answered with silence or insults.

It's in PA. US Traveller fans are spread all over. I hear the hotel staff in Kansas City are very friendly and happen to be smack dab in the middle of the US. :D

Ahhhh. One that's even further from me than PA is!:nonono:;)
well, I hate to say I was right

The morons have done it....

Yesterday they have put out a "Warning":
"Fellow Travellers,

Most if not all of you will be aware that there have been issues with the Hotel Brunswick this year. They continue to remain closed and there are no staff available despite assurances that they are monitoring their voice and phone mail.

As of this morning, these issues remain unresolved. Your Travellercon staff (myself, Megan and Tony) must now make the decision – do we wait until the day of the convention to discover if the hotel is open, or do we postpone Travellercon until next year?"

So they have failed to respond to early signs as I asked them to do
They insulted me about my efforts

and now they want towait til close of business today(at teh start of a three day weekend yet!!!) to advise you to protect yourself.

In words of one syllable or more, "HOLY BAT CRAP BATMAN!"

My advice: Grap the yellow chord and EJECT! EJECT! EJECT!

Marc (who really would have liked to see this con grow but can't fund morons who do not protect their customers)
Where is this warning? It's not in my mailbox, it isn't on thier website either.

In all fairness, I talked to a staff member three weeks ago who said the hotel would be open. That being said, I could not reach anyone yesterday.

To call the staff of a Con "morons" is not polite nor germane to the issue. If I contracted with a facility to be available on such and such a date, there is a legal responsiblility on the part of the facility. If they are not ready, there isn't much I can do at this late date.

I have a reservation, I have not recieved a cancellation notice, nor have I heard from Travellercon , nor Megan in particular, who I have been corresponding with.

I am not saying your wrong, just asking you to be polite and point out where this notifaction is.
This proves the convention operators have failed even deeper than just mucking up the status with the hotel...

Check the yahoo group: TravellerCon_USA_Info

1. Brunswick Closed due to Fire VIolations From: John
2a. Re: Important Update - Cancellation Countdown From: Carl Scheu
2b. Re: Important Update - Cancellation Countdown From: Kurt Feltenberger
2c. Re: Important Update - Cancellation Countdown From: John
3a. Re: Alternate Sites in Lancaster, PA From: Kurt Feltenberger
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1. Brunswick Closed due to Fire VIolations
Posted by: "John" javelin1@hydrosoft.net ijumpajav
Sat Oct 10, 2009 5:17 pm (PDT)

I stopped down at the Hotel this evening which is one block from the new police station. I Ask a cop what was up. Then I called a friend of mine. I do a fair amount of work within the city limits. Hamid Zahedi is the owner of the Brunswick. As of a few months ago his personal cell phone number was 201-819-0100. If he took anyones money maybe you might just give him a cal ;) ..............Anyway, 3 months ago they were shut down for fire code violations. It is not known when they will reopen. It will not be soon.

Monday is a holiday, but Tuesday I will have more details.

John Hogan
To call the staff of a Con "morons" is not polite nor germane to the issue. If I contracted with a facility to be available on such and such a date, there is a legal responsiblility on the part of the facility. If they are not ready, there isn't much I can do at this late date.

I have a reservation, I have not recieved a cancellation notice, nor have I heard from
Travellercon , nor Megan in particular, who I have been corresponding with.


Per the information they have released in their own yahoo news group, Megan, at the least, should have been in contact with you by yesterday.

When I began urging them to investigate two MONTHS ago, they should have done so and only responded by telling me(as they told you) that everything will be fine and then calling me names(I still have those emails).

I tried to assist them and was greeted with name calling and arrogance. I understand your loyalty and only wish it was better placed in this case.

As for the hotel, they have released this in the yahoo group:
Constaff said:
Hamid Zahedi is the owner of the Brunswick. As of a few months ago his personal cell phone number was 201-819-0100. If he took anyones money maybe you might just give him a cal ;) ..............Anyway, 3 months ago they were shut down for fire code violations. It is not known when they will reopen. It will not be soon.

Monday is a holiday, but Tuesday I will have more details.
Constaff said:
So while I understand your feelings, I feel the tag "Morons" is apt. I begged then to investigate this issue two months ago and now learn the hotel was shut down three months back....

Now that they are holding people's money, faced with disaster and have spent the last months telling me I was wrong and people like you to not worry about it...

Well, now they are not even getting the word out

1) Join the yahoo group to find out what you are not being told.
2) Call your credit card company not make sure you are not charged
3) If you were charged, call the hotel owner as discussed above and get your cash back
4) Call the con and get your registration returned

the yahoo group name


I failed to enter that i my post above. It is "TravellerCon_USA_Info"

Good luck and God help those who show up at the hotel friday because they were not told.

Tempest in a Teacup

A couple of truths regarding Travellercon.

Yes, we must cancel - the Hotel has been claiming "rennovations" when in fact they are dealing with fire code violations. This was bad faith on their part - how we deal with this is really our own business.

Yes, people are being contacted - the firecode bomb was dropped on us late last night. We're not emailing "one off" addresses, we're assembling emails for a blanket emailing (otherwise, one or two people might get overlooked).

Yes, we are making an announcement on the various convention boards. COTI is not one of our main boards, due to the structure (no "Conventions" thread, just a general "Lone Star" thread.)

Yes, people who registered will receive a refund. It will take a few business days (so don't bother looking in your paypal account tonight or on Columbus day) but after a few business days, when we transfer money back into the paypal account, refunds will arrive. Anyone who registered and hasn't received a refund by the 16th should contact megan at registration(at)travellercon-usa.com

Yes, Commaner Truestar/Marc G. has a personal axe to grind and seems to be intentionally bent on creating hysteria. Certainly he lost no time rushing to report the bad news. I can't but believe that he is enjoying this immensly. Read between his lines.

There is no money being held back, there is no registered participant flying into the convention. We know all of our participants by name and location (thank you Paypal.)

The facts are:
- the hotel said they would be renovating through October 1st.

- Participants who couldn't register via phone we advised to register online via the hotel website. This is easily cancelled.

- While a call was placed in late September was cordial, later calls placed by me after October 1st cited our contract and insisted we be contacted or we would cancel and demand our deposit back.

- Last Thursday, we genuinely became worried and conveyed this to the participants. I did not do so earlier because it's likely that some people would panic and the situation did not seem to warrant it. (Frankly guys, the situation STILL doesn't warrant panic - we'll just reschedule for next year. Registration will be repaid, T-shirts will still be offered. We just won't meet this year - I'm sorry about that.)

- Saturday, we learned about the firecode violations. We were shocked - we thought they might be planning something really stupid, like opening after Columbus Day. Even to learn about the violations, a participant went into Lancaster, talked to a policeman outside the hotel (closed and marked "Unfit for Occupation") and then used his contacts as a city contracter to get the rest of the story (mainly the name and cell# of the owner).

Today, we began to write the emails to the participants. Yes, we slept late - we get depressed, too.

So, there's the story. Calling the hotel and screaming (Commander Truestar's sage advice) didn't help a week ago, and wouldn't have helped two months ago. There was and is no one at the hotel since mid-July.

The pivotal question is, when do you prepare to panic your participants? Do you panic because the hotel hasn't got back to you in mid-september, or do you take them at their word and believe they are doing what they claim?

Some people like to play at being "sharp customers", like a game of poker is in process. We aren't trying to "sharp" the hotel out of anything, we want to provide a venue for Traveller gaming. We have got more from the hotel (in the past) by just talking nicely to them.

So Commander Truestar's advice wasn't going to work for us, even when I did leave some threatening phone messages.

Will we be taking a financial hit? Yes, but so what? Travellercon isn't about making money (sure would be nice to break even - this year looked promising).

Travellercon is about playing Traveller. This year, we couldn't guarantee the venue. We'll do better next year.

See you in October, 2010

Keep the Flame,
Keith F.
Travellercon-USA Event Coordinator

While I have not been communicating with the TravellerCon staff since I broke off my relationship with them(Customer only), my efforts here are being misrepresented.
While Keith states:

...the firecode bomb was dropped on us late last night.
The full story is that the hotel has been out of contact for months. Not just to individual customers but to group and event sized customers. If you are talking money from customers yourself(who are also making reservations and taking vacation days to attend). It is your job to check on your subcontractors(in this instance, the hotel)

And while I did urge Keith to investigate this issue as much as two months ago, it was not as characterized:
Calling the hotel and screaming (Commander Truestar's sage advice) didn't help a week ago

In fact, I have not attempted to communicate with the Hotel since jsut before I traveled out of the country almost a month ago. So I do not know who screamed at the hotel or how Keith would have heard about such an event(Read the posts in his yahoo group which are explicit in his own words that he still has had no contact with the hotel or its employees)

Tunderchilde's posts in this thread prove that he had no idea as late as this morning. Look further back and you see posts from Megan, a staffer form the convention. So they do use this board despite the post below. So the truth may not be that there is no dedicated Convention forum more than it is evidence of "spinning the story" now that the word is out.

Yes, we are making an announcement on the various convention boards. COTI is not one of our main boards, due to the structure (no "Conventions" thread, just a general "Lone Star" thread.)

Yes, Commaner Truestar/Marc G. has a personal axe to grind and seems to be intentionally bent on creating hysteria. Certainly he lost no time rushing to report the bad news. I can't but believe that he is enjoying this immensly. Read between his lines.
Since I commented, I have been honest that this has been brewing for some MONTHS. I did not rush this information to this board to cause damage. I did so when it became apparent that no one was being told outside their yahoo group. Keith says in his own words, he knows what he is doing and we do not. Well, I may no longer be a customer of his but I know those who still intend to be.

As can be seen on this board, I have stated, "I am not telling you not to attend TravellerCon, I am only telling you to be careful".
I never claimed there was money being held back(as Keith suggests) and last year had some attendees flying in who may well have made those plans without providing Keith a minute by minute plan of their attendance.

The facts are:
- the hotel said they would be renovating through October 1st.

Which Keith was urged to investigate two months ago

- Last Thursday, we genuinely became worried and conveyed this to the participants.
Umm, even your own news group time stamps prove that did not start until Friday AM

I did not do so earlier because it's likely that some people would panic and the situation did not seem to warrant it.
The issue here is no a question of panic Keith, it is the simple fact you could have checked when it was advised. As late as two weeks ago you are on record as saying, the hotel will be open, don't worry.

- Saturday, we learned about the firecode violations. We were shocked - we thought they might be planning something really stupid, like opening after Columbus Day. Even to learn about the violations, a participant went into Lancaster, talked to a policeman outside the hotel (closed and marked "Unfit for Occupation") and then used his contacts as a city contracter to get the rest of the story (mainly the name and cell# of the owner).
Which you could have been proactive and investigated when you lost complete contact with the hotel. Yet, again, you are on record as stating it will be fine. The participant who determined the facts you state did not do so at your request. He did so on his own initiative, which is also stated in your news group.

The pivotal question is, when do you prepare to panic your participants? Do you panic because the hotel hasn't got back to you in mid-september, or do you take them at their word and believe they are doing what they claim?
The pivotal question is, "Once you start taking people's money, will you do the basic necessary work to protect yourself and your customers?". It has nothing to do with "creating a panic". A simple, "We continue to escalate our efforts to contact the hotel or its staff" along with a real effort to do so would have been better than you continued "The hotel is undergoing renovations. They will open in October. Stop whining"

In the end you can call me names all you want. Those who know me personally know the facts and even ThunderChilde's posts(as a person who does not know me except on this board) has to admit that, based on your data, he woke up this morning planning to attend your convention this coming friday.

As is important, avoid the claims by reading back on this very thread and seeing the facts. I take no glee in the loss of any convention. I do take pride in saving people from loosing money do to someone else's lack of management and planning.

If you want evidence then follow my adivice.
Re-read this thread.
Visit the yahoo group and see for yourself what has been posted there.

My words here are nothing nor are Keith's. Investigate the truth for yourselves.

I do not need to be right, but we all need to be protected when our money and time are being invested.

I'm a functioning adult - I don't need you to "protect" me.

I am glad you can make good decisions due at your age. I am also glad the full information is out there to assist you in deciding. I wish the same had happened to functioning adults who invested with Bernard Madof.

While this is not a massive ponzie scheme, it is of import to those here(like ThunderChilde) who have paid and(as of this morning) were not being told the truth.

As I said, this is not about Commander Truestar, though Keith did his best to make it seem that way. I am sorry if some of the folks here think it is.

In the end I can only suggest you re-read what has been posted here and in the convention's Yahoo group and see the truth.

Much Noise and Thunder, signifying nothing

Guys, I don't know how much clearer we can make this - we were aware of the closure due to fire violations late last night. We posted this to the OFFICIAL Yahoo group immediately, and followed up today through the various forums and emails.

Commadore Truestar feels we should have posted here, too.

Noted. Pull the stick out.

People woke up this morning planning to go to Travellercon this Friday, they are being individually informed as of this afternoon.

If you know someone who has not been informed, have them check their email or contact us. If they're registered, they have our email.

Shrieking about it won't help.

Keith F.

P.S. The Official Yahoo grup can be reached through the travellercon website. www.travellercon-usa.com
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Mario - You're awesome :)

And if your daughter didn't act that way at 10, then she is a secure, well-adjusted young lady. :)

Unfortunately some people weren't raised that way :rofl:
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