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Anyone know of any decent pre gens out there - standard ship crew of travelling adventureres type thing?
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Or any at a pinch...
I've got a bunch that I did as pre-gens a while ago. They're mostly MegaTraveller, either from the basic or extended systems. Some are from systems published in JTAS. However, they should work fine with CT or Mongoose.
I've done some back story for the characters with the descriptions; they look like this:
Ex Navy Commander 8B8ABA Age 34, 4 terms Cr50,000
Pilot-3, Ship Tactics-2, Navigation-2, Engineering-1, Fleet Tactics-1, Sensor Ops-1, Laser Pistol (13)
Vacc Suit-1, Ship’s Boat-1, Electronic-1, Bribery-1, Streetwise-1, Language-1, 5 CSR, 2 CCR, SEH, 3 MCUF
Leader-2, Jack-o-T-1, Brawling-1, Handgun-1, Gunnery-1, Laser wpns-2, Recon-1 Contact (CalFed Naval Int)
Roderick Blaine is the third son of the Baronet De VaratnaLunda in the Caledonian Federation. As was expected, he was accepted into the Naval Academy on Caledon where he graduated with honours showing a strong aptitude as a pilot. He was accepted into flight school on graduation and then commissioned as an officer in the flight branch.
I’m the third son. Graduated university with honours and got into flight school. Of course I went into the Navy.
Commissioned as an ensign at 23, his first active duty was piloting a patrol cruiser in a strike action against a pirate warlord who had been causing trouble with merchant traffic. In the course of the action, he was awarded his first citation for meritorious conduct under fire, drawing favourable attention from his superiors, who saw his potential and had him posted to command school.
We got into a scrap right on my first patrol as a helmsman. We got intel on a pirate vessel – and found it too. It gave us some grief but we took it down. The captain said I’d go far.
A second piracy suppression campaign saw him engaged in a battle against a large pirate fleet. In one action he held off two pirate vessels, allowing a tanker and troop carrier ship to escape, saving hundreds of lives. This action saw him awarded the starburst for extreme heroism.
We carried on in the campaign and took out a large pirate fleet – more like a warlord really; they had four ships and a dozen boats. Quite a force for a fecking pirate. They got through our formation and attacked the base convoy at the gas giant – a tanker and a troop carrier. We’d have been ▮▮▮▮ed if they got the tanker and the troops would have been doubly ▮▮▮▮ed if they got the carrier.
I was helm on one of the two patrol cruisers assigned to escort them. Piotr was on the other. We had to hold them for an hour before the main fleet could vector back and catch the pirates.
Both crews were recommended for the SEH. Piotr’s was posthumous.
After this he was given the choice of any assignment, and chose intelligence school as his work was becoming more closely involved with piracy suppression operations being run by Naval Intelligence. He spent the next six years involved in patrol and intelligence operations, with a stint cross-training in gunnery and earning two more MCUF citations. This patrol work included a number of covert intelligence gathering operations and Off The Record (OTR) work in black operations conducted against pirate groups operating in the Scotian Deep, Ea, Caledon and Drexilthar subsectors.
As a SEH recipient I was given the choice of assignments. I’ve seen what a menace these petty warlords are. We need to find them and root them out. I requested a posting to Intel. We spent six years on intel ops and deep patrols – and we bagged a few.
These operations culminated in a diplomatic incident with Ilthari authorities making a formal complaint accusing the Caledonian Federation of using a nuclear weapon on the sovereign territory of a member of the Ilthari Commonwealth. The diplomatic pressure was limited as a high-ranking prince was rumoured to be involved in sponsoring the pirates, but it still forced the termination of the covert piracy suppression campaign.
I worked on the intel for Screaming Fist. We tracked them and we found the base in the old asteroid mine. Far too heavily defended for a strike; you’d have had to get a strike fleet ten parsecs through neutral space without getting noticed.
They got a nuke from the Daibei – a demolition charge and a booster that took it up to 2 megatons. Intel found an old survey of the tunnels in the asteroid – it’s 450km across and riddled with mines. We found a way in.
I flew the landing boat and we inserted a spec ops team. The boat was a special stealth craft – a modified 6G boat with a low yield ion drive and a shield to hide the drive from view. We got in and set down on the dark side without being noticed. Not bad if I say so myself.
The identities of all those involved in the campaign were suppressed, and they were quietly discharged from the service with our records altered to show they had left some years earlier. The Ilthari Authorities have publically stated that they consider all personnel involved in the operation to be war criminals. It has been hinted to the parties involved that High Command owes them a debt of gratitude and a favour, even if it cannot be publically acknowledged. It has also been hinted that contract work may be forthcoming once the row settles down as it is likely that future operations of this sort may have to employ mercenaries.
I’m a war criminal now – if they ever find out who I am. Turned out the pirates were bankrolled by a very powerful Ilthari prince. Our boys got their message across but it caused a huge diplomatic shit-storm. We were forced to shut down just about all of the piracy suppression ops. They had to quietly discharge us and suppress all of our records.
The brass told us off the record that there will be more ops, but they can’t do it officially. Some contract work will be forthcoming once things cool off, but they can’t be seen to do anything until the shit settles.
Screaming fist left a huge power vacuum, and we can’t fill it. Every two credit pirate is raiding where they sodding well please now. Gunboat diplomacy and the law of unintended consequences …
He has a TL 13 laser pistol that was presented to him as a gift when he graduated flight school. The weapon is a standard laser pistol/13 but a deluxe model with a high quality finish and inlaid with an engraved family crest. This is his service pistol and also holds considerable sentimental value. As a reserve officer it forms a part of his dress uniform and his permit will be honoured anywhere in the Caledonian Federation and in friendly polities on a roll over local law level (DM+ Admin or Legal).
My father got me a service pistol when I received my commission. It’s the presentation model – nice finish with a family crest engraved on it. Bit big for a pistol really, more of a personal defence weapon.
Motivation: He needs work and will take adventuring work or ‘contract’ OTR work from the intelligence services when this becomes available. He has an abiding hatred of pirates from his involvement in the campaigns, seeing the acts that have been committed by pirate warlords.