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Prior History and Starting Age help needed


How many terms of prior history is normal? For a human, and I assume other races as well, your full prior history will take you into old age. How many terms should players take?

Also, if you can't re-enlist in your chosen profession, can you enlist any other profession automatically? how does that work?

Also with musting out, the benifits table goes form 1 to 7. What die is used for that roll? d6?
Originally posted by Cphonxs:
How many terms of prior history is normal? For a human, and I assume other races as well, your full prior history will take you into old age. How many terms should players take?

Also, if you can't re-enlist in your chosen profession, can you enlist any other profession automatically? how does that work?

Also with musting out, the benifits table goes form 1 to 7. What die is used for that roll? d6?
How many terms depends of how old/experienced you want your character to be. One for a brash youth, 6-7 for an Grumpy Old One.

Please define what you mean by "re-enlisting" Do you mean "service Class"?

Since we can't really find d7 dices, I must assume that you can have some bonus in certain condition (book isn't in my lap atm, and too lazy to get it ;)
Please define what you mean by "re-enlisting" Do you mean "service Class"?
Sorry... that was unclear. Let me try again.

I was creating a marine (semper fi) who happily served two terms but was unable to re-enlist for a third term (rolled a 1 for a dc 6 check) and so found myself out on my butt.

The question I was really asking was, where can this marine go for his third term? Obviouly not marine, but can he seek enployment anywhere else without restriction? Merc for example? Or am I missing something here....
You can try enlisting in other services. You need to serve at least one term before you can take a level in the new service class.
Also, strictly by the rules you need a level in another class before you can start its prior history (with the excpetion of service classes), so the only thing he could do was university to get levels of other classes.

*However*, a reasonable DM might let him try for terms in something that fited the character (Mercenary, Rogue, Traveller) if it made sense.

In this case I would ask him to tell me what he was gonna do after being discharged, and if it made sense to the chracter let him have a go at it.

As for letting him rejoin any other service class, it would depend upon wether he got any demotions or reprimands on failed survival rolls, plus is promotions and decorations, and so-on. The services wouldn't take a waster back, but a good marine they might.

Hope this helps.

Since we can't really find d7 dices, I must assume that you can have some bonus in certain condition (book isn't in my lap atm, and too lazy to get it
If you mean on the mustering out tables...'

Ranks of O5 or higher get +1 to the benefit table, and Gambling skill gives a +1 to the cash table.
Let's see whether I have this right.

Per T20:120 your character can take employeement during prior history in a class in which you have at least one level of experience. Presumably you get this level of experience between terms by spending XPs on it.

In the D&D3 Player Handbook:56, 1st para under "Adding a Second Class" one does so by electing to become Level 1 in the 2nd class rather than going up a level in one's current class. The implication is that you spend the XPs on Level 1 in the new class instead of in Level X in the current class.

Question: Am I reading this right?

This suggests that it's more expensive to multiclass if you're at a higher level in another class, e.g., if you're 4th Level Marine coming out of a term of service with 4000 XPs burning a hole in your worksheet and you've an eye towards getting work as a Professional for your next term, you could spend the XPs that would have increased your Marine level to 5th level (coincidentally 4000 XPs), instead on remaining a 4th level Marine and becoming a 1st level Professional. You could then get work for your next term in the Professional career field.

It seems then that it's much wiser to make your multiclassing choices early on, rather than later on because the XP cost to go up another level in one's current class increases as one increases in levels.

It seems, too, that if you spent your entire prior history as a member of a service class, e.g., Marine, when you finally end prior history and enter play you will multiclass in to SOME other class. Per the very bottom of the first column of T20:34 you cannot gain levels in that (Marine) class unless you're on active duty (e.g., in a military campaign). There appears to be nothing to limit your acquisition of XPs, however (you just can't go up levels), so it would seem that as soon as you have enough XPs to go up to the next level in that (service) class, you would instead acquire Level 1 in another class.

E.g., When you end a term of prior history service you get barred from re-enlistment as a Marine. You were a 6th level Marine with 18000 XPs and you need 21000 XPs to get to 7th level (i.e., you still need 3000 XPs). You decide to start game play and it's not a "military" game so you need to multiclass to continue to go up in levels. Once you'd accumulated enough XPs (in this case, 3000) in play to get to Marine 7, you'd then become Marine 6 / New Class 1, the New Class being picked from those available (e.g., not a Belter, not a Scout, etc.).

Question: Am I reading this right?

While it is better to multiclass early (the drawback is that you're a jack-of-all-trade, specialist-of-none), I'd like to think of multiclassing as changing careers as part of life experience, while retaining and using those prior experience.

After all, the more levels you advance, the more powerful and experienced your character becomes, so you seek better challenges, and not waste your time "killing kobolds," if you know what I mean.
Originally posted by worj:
Let's see whether I have this right.

You were a 6th level Marine with 18000 XPs and you need 21000 XPs to get to 7th level (i.e., you still need 3000 XPs). You decide to start game play and it's not a "military" game so you need to multiclass to continue to go up in levels. Once you'd accumulated enough XPs (in this case, 3000) in play to get to Marine 7, you'd then become Marine 6 / New Class 1, the New Class being picked from those available (e.g., not a Belter, not a Scout, etc.).

Question: Am I reading this right?

Yes. The thing to remember in T20/D&D3 is that you have a character level (number of eps earned so far) and class levels (where you have spent those character levels).

A new character starts as a 1st level marine.
1st term (marines) gains 4000 EPs. Now a 3rd level character and takes both new levels in marine. Also uses feat gained as 3rd level character to buy contacts/underworld.
2nd term (marines), gains 4000 EPs (8000 total, character level 4). The newly gained level is taken as rogue.
3rd term (marines), 4000 EPs gained (12000 total, character level 5). New level taken as marine again.
4th term refused entry to marines so takes term as rogue, gains 4000 EPs (16000 total, character level 6). New level cannot be taken as marine as no longer a serving marine, new level can be taken as any available core class. Presume rogue.

Starts play then as a 6th level character (marine 4, rogue 2). Once the character earns enough EPs to gain character level 7 the new level can be spent on any core class he qualifies for but not the service classes unless you are running a service game.
So, since I came across you guys discussing this, I have a question along the same lines:
How does a player use his/her XP gained from University?
If a character gains 4000XP at University, does the player have to spend it immediately, to gain a level in some core class, or can the player spend it in the class the character is about to become after graduating?
i.e. Character graduates University and intends to enlist in the Scouts. Must the XP earned at University be spent on another class first (as per Handbook p. 126 - 9.Applying Experience), or can the XP be spent directly in the Scout Class already?
OR, is a character who goes to University mandatorily forced to be an Academic multi-class?

Really, my question is, what happens to the XP from University? I mean, they are just floating there..... Do they apply to the character's first class after U, or what? It's not like the University is a real 'Term of Employment', because there are no rules for what skills a character learns there. Maybe I should just write rules for a 'University term of Employment'.......
The XP earned while at University goes to any class and/or classes you qualify for that term.

Even if you are starting at 18 years old, and the first term you serve is at University, you still have to have a starting character class. This is the one that receives the bonus feat and the X4 starting bonus on skills.

If you are going to University, you can start as an Academic, or Professional, or Noble, or Traveller, or Rogue (maybe others, don't have my book in front of me here at work). All depends on your background and your starting skill/feat choices.

Then any XP earned at University can be spent on any class or classes you qualify for. For instance, IIRC, you ALWAYS qualify to take a level of Traveller, no matter what other class levels you have or what terms you are serving.

In some people's campaigns, they allow players to take levels in service classes while at University if the character is enrolled in the OTS for that service. That's up to you.
Originally posted by bjarashow:
So, since I came across you guys discussing this, I have a question along the same lines:
How does a player use his/her XP gained from University?
If a character gains 4000XP at University, does the player have to spend it immediately, to gain a level in some core class, or can the player spend it in the class the character is about to become after graduating?
[snip snip]
Well, once you're graduated, you ARE in that class

You must also use your judgement in what classes could be taken while in university. A player really MUST explain why he took a level in Traveller while attending University. Maybe it was internship, on the field training, etc. but it must make SENSE, else it's Munchkinism.

You can study to become many things so I guess you can easily choose many classes if you want, but some are more difficult to explain/roleplay (Rogue ? well... he MIGHT have been stealing the teacher's exams for next week test... but for ALL his terms?).

Do not forget that many higher diplomas are gained while working in the field. I know of a Philosophy student working with IT students in the AI field that had to do some coding (weird, but true)