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Published OTU Fiction

Andrew Boulton

The Adminator

The Death of Wisdom (1 of 3) by Paul Brunette (GDW 1995)
To Dream of Chaos (2 of 3) by Paul Brunette (GDW 1995)
The Backwards Mask (3 of 3) by Paul Brunette (FFE 2010)
The (Other) Backwards Mask (Alternate 3 of 3) by Matthew Carson (FFE 2010)
Diaspora Phoenix by Martin J. Dougherty (QLI 2002)


Gateway to the Stars by Pierce Askegren (Imperium Games, Inc 1998)
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Long Way Home by Terrance McInnes
Tales of the New Era 1: Yesterday’s Hero by Martin J. Dougherty

The Trap of Triton by Gary A. Kalin

Again, Oytritsyu'aby by Charles Gannon

Count or Country by Charles Gannon

The Intendant by Gregory Lee

Force of Destiny by Dale Kemper

Whilst not OTU...but TU the Swycaffer novels and short stories.