one of the biggest problems with a Q-Ship is lack of power (or being easily distinguishable from a real merchant due to your above-normal power plant)...limiting weapons mainly to missiles
what if there was a Q-Ship that was say, 400 dTon and looked just like a type R Merchant...and had two power plants; a P-1 and a P-9. This Q-Ship also has 2 computers ( a mod.1 and a mod.6) The Q-Ship uses the P-1 normally, until attacked or sees a known pirate. They then turn off the P-1 and begin turning on the P-9. Same for the computers. The computers presumably can switch instantly.
Grand Survey (a CT product from what I can tell) has this to say about powering up;
Routine (Engineering, EDU) 5 minutes
so 15 minutes is the minimum (3d6-mods x5 minutes)...assuming Eng-1 and +1 Edu mod (5-9), the average would be 40 minutes and the max would be 80 minutes (4 space combat rounds)
Now, even 1 space combat rounds without power is insane, but 4 is suicidal....unless you have 4dTon of capacitors, which give 4 rounds worth of P-9 power
So, this ship (as far as I can tell), would be nearly indistinguishable from a type R merchant until it "instantly" becomes a much more powerful warship (only has 4 turrets still, but could have, say 2 fusion cannons, a triple pulse laser, and a triple missile battery maybe with nukes if it is Imperial).
Is there any way at range for pirates to detect such a ship? a densitometer has a resolution of 1km at "Long" space combat range (50,000-500,000 miles), although is capable of sensing an object as small as man-sized in empty space (just not pin-point it). A Neutrino sensor would not detect the "cold" power plant, and any sensors would appear to be from a mod.1 computer...what am I missing?
what if there was a Q-Ship that was say, 400 dTon and looked just like a type R Merchant...and had two power plants; a P-1 and a P-9. This Q-Ship also has 2 computers ( a mod.1 and a mod.6) The Q-Ship uses the P-1 normally, until attacked or sees a known pirate. They then turn off the P-1 and begin turning on the P-9. Same for the computers. The computers presumably can switch instantly.
Grand Survey (a CT product from what I can tell) has this to say about powering up;
Routine (Engineering, EDU) 5 minutes
so 15 minutes is the minimum (3d6-mods x5 minutes)...assuming Eng-1 and +1 Edu mod (5-9), the average would be 40 minutes and the max would be 80 minutes (4 space combat rounds)
Now, even 1 space combat rounds without power is insane, but 4 is suicidal....unless you have 4dTon of capacitors, which give 4 rounds worth of P-9 power
So, this ship (as far as I can tell), would be nearly indistinguishable from a type R merchant until it "instantly" becomes a much more powerful warship (only has 4 turrets still, but could have, say 2 fusion cannons, a triple pulse laser, and a triple missile battery maybe with nukes if it is Imperial).
Is there any way at range for pirates to detect such a ship? a densitometer has a resolution of 1km at "Long" space combat range (50,000-500,000 miles), although is capable of sensing an object as small as man-sized in empty space (just not pin-point it). A Neutrino sensor would not detect the "cold" power plant, and any sensors would appear to be from a mod.1 computer...what am I missing?