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Question about ordering the book...

Hi all

Sorry if there is an answer to this question elsewhere but I can't seem to find it.

I am not a Kickstarter backer for the T5 book unfortunately (missed it by a week).
I found this page:
http://www.traveller5.net/OrderT5.html through a link I saw somewhere here on CotI.
When I just type in http://www.traveller5.net it takes me to a general information page about Traveller5 but there is no link on that page to the ordering page.

So my question is, well, 2 questions actually:

1. If I order the physical copy of Traveller5 book will it ship once the Kickstarter backers have all received their copies?

2. Is the ordering page I linked to above supposed to be available to the general population or is it still to be made official.

The only reason I ask question 2 is because there is no link to that page on the main traveller5.net home page.

If I was to ask a 3rd question it would be:

How long would I have to wait before the book ships if I ordered from that link?

But I think I answered my own question above with he Kickstarter backers receiving priority.

Thanks anyone who can give me more info.

To all you lucky Kickstarter backers: Enjoy your T5 book (and goodies) and thanks for getting this book published.


Well, being a "act first, think later" kind of person I have gone ahead and ordered the physical copy of the book from FarFuture.

I have just read Marc's latest update on his T5 Kickstarter page and he is really working "day and night" to get the KS orders shipped so I am not expecting to see my book for a few weeks yet, but I am now very excited about receiving it.

I know nothing about T5. I wasn't involved in any playtesting so it's all going to be a big surprise to me when it finally does arrive.

Something to look forward to. :)
I see you're an avid CT collector. You'll find a lot to like in T5.

...would you be interested in the "History of the Imperium" handout, 1980s-era 8-page handout describing the Vilani First Imperium and the Rule of Man? What's the cost of shipping paper to Ireland?
I see you're an avid CT collector. You'll find a lot to like in T5.

Hi robject.

I love CT. I love the simplicity of it.

As I said in my last post I know absolutely nothing about T5 but I am guessing at 656 pages there will be many, many options and I am expecting it to be a far cry from the simplicity of those 3 LBBs.

Once I discovered the order page it was only a matter of time before I spent my money on the book and I'm very excited about seeing what's inside it.
1. That was the original posting, but was removed with the link to the ordering page.
2. I believe not having the link on the front page is a mistake.
3. My personal opinion wouldn't be worth much as I have no idea how many people are external backers or have ordered prior to your order. My guess would be sometime in May, but that is a total guess (and hopefully an incorrect one).

I am very much looking forward to the book as well.
1. That was the original posting, but was removed with the link to the ordering page.
2. I believe not having the link on the front page is a mistake.
3. My personal opinion wouldn't be worth much as I have no idea how many people are external backers or have ordered prior to your order. My guess would be sometime in May, but that is a total guess (and hopefully an incorrect one).

I am very much looking forward to the book as well.

Thanks Rynak

I have late May in my head for delivery. I am in Ireland so from experience it takes anywhere from 5 to 14 days to arrive from the States to me.

If it arrives sooner than late May then it will be a lovely surprise.

Exciting times for Traveller methinks.
I noticed this over on the KS front page for T5:


"The Player's Book

By popular demand, we have committed to producing the Traveller5 Player's Book: a handy digest-size rules reference tailored for use by Players but without the (primarily) Referee’s rules. We expect to produce a printed version in Spring 2013, but every Backer who orders a Book will receive a link to an Ebook version when it is complete."

If The Player's Book gets published I, for one will be ordering at least 3 copies for our group.

I think it is an excellent idea especially as the Core Rules book is so big and expensive so the casual player might be put off by it's size and price.

This reminds me of what Kenzer & Co did with Aces & Eights. I have the big 400 page hardback book and the other players in my group have the softcover player's guidebook.

It will also (hopefully) encourage anybody who has never tried T5 to give it a try by purchasing The Player's Book.

I'm looking forward to this.
I am in Ireland so from experience it takes anywhere from 5 to 14 days to arrive from the States to me.

Offtopic... but when I moved over Ireland from Oz (a reverse migration compared to the current trend), I spent my first few months in Butlers Bridge, Cavan. Loved it and miss it every day over here in Dublin town!!!

Fingers crossed for a fast Atlantic passage of our books.
Offtopic... but when I moved over Ireland from Oz (a reverse migration compared to the current trend), I spent my first few months in Butlers Bridge, Cavan. Loved it and miss it every day over here in Dublin town!!!

Fingers crossed for a fast Atlantic passage of our books.

Hey, great to see someone on here residing in the Emerald Isle.
I too did a reverse migration (I am originally from Manchester, England.)
I moved to Ireland in 1995, before the boom and subsequent bust!

I have driven through Butler's Bridge many times on my way to Bawnboy where I used to frequent a Tibetan Buddhist Dharma Centre called Jampa Ling.

Oddly enough I can drive to Dublin in about an hour whereas the drive to Bawnboy via Butler's Bridge could take longer due to the famous (infamous) Cavan roads.

I know there is a small group of us living in Ireland who play Traveller. I used to frequent the Mongoose Traveller forums and noticed one or two Irish based players. Compared to the UK, the tabletop RPG scene is very small here in Ireland.

Here's hoping our lovely BBB (BIG Black Books) arrive soon. I'm really excited to see what's inside.

All the best

I've also ordered this way, and am in the UK. That was over a month ago, still no confirmation mail regarding the fact I even ordered. This puts me off a bit...
I've also ordered this way, and am in the UK. That was over a month ago, still no confirmation mail regarding the fact I even ordered. This puts me off a bit...

Don't worry Kaelic, the KS backers are just getting their confirmation emails now so once all the packages have been shipped to them we will be next on the list of confirmation emails. :)
Rather poor customer service though, you'd have to agree.

It never crossed my mind. I have my PayPal receipt which was paid directly to Marc Miller and not a huge megacorporation.

If I was ordering from a game store then I would be worried.

2085 people backed this project on Kickstarter and they have been patient. Their patience is being rewarded now so I am prepared to wait my turn.

In fact I am not expecting to receive any kind of communication regarding my purchase until the end of April/beginning of May.
Rather poor customer service though, you'd have to agree.

Actually, rather quite good for a kickstarter project. Hell, some 10% turn vaporware after funding.

Marc has, not only gone from the KS funding to shipping in about half the time of many KS projects, he's doing it with no staff to speak of. Further, despite his terseness in communication, he does communicate far more than many kickstarter project leads do post-funding. I got an email that he got the goodies in. He's made certain that DonM has kept us updated.

On a personal note:
I strongly dislike the negativist whinging about Marc's customer service - he goes out of his way to be excellent about customer service. He literally was dealing with several tons of books to go out.

Quit griping, and be happy it is shipping at all.​
I wholeheartedly agree with you.
If I had a problem, which I don't, I would contact Marc. I certainly wouldn't air my negative views in public.
Please feel free to lock this thread.
I see you're an avid CT collector. You'll find a lot to like in T5.

...would you be interested in the "History of the Imperium" handout, 1980s-era 8-page handout describing the Vilani First Imperium and the Rule of Man? What's the cost of shipping paper to Ireland?


Sorry, I was reading back through the posts on this thread and only noticed that part I have highlighted in bold. I was reading the forum on my phone so I somehow missed your offer.
Actually at the minute I have zero funds otherwise I would love to buy that off you. My funds have gone on T5 so it will be next month before I could offer anything. I'm not sure about shipping costs. If you want to PM me with price details (if you still have it) by mid-May then I would certainly be interested.
I just emailed Marc about this very question today and he let me know that "we are trying to squeeze them in between the others"

I personally think Marc is doing a great job getting T5 out the door. Many of us have been waiting on this book for over a decade, so a few more weeks won't hurt :)
I noticed this over on the KS front page for T5:


"The Player's Book

By popular demand, we have committed to producing the Traveller5 Player's Book: a handy digest-size rules reference tailored for use by Players but without the (primarily) Referee’s rules. We expect to produce a printed version in Spring 2013, but every Backer who orders a Book will receive a link to an Ebook version when it is complete."

If The Player's Book gets published I, for one will be ordering at least 3 copies for our group.

I think it is an excellent idea especially as the Core Rules book is so big and expensive so the casual player might be put off by it's size and price.

This reminds me of what Kenzer & Co did with Aces & Eights. I have the big 400 page hardback book and the other players in my group have the softcover player's guidebook.

It will also (hopefully) encourage anybody who has never tried T5 to give it a try by purchasing The Player's Book.

I'm looking forward to this.

I will probably buy one copy for my bookshelf and grab a PDF. If Marc is allowing the same printing rights as the older Traveller editions, I can print and bind a copy for each of the players. Otherwise the PDF and iPad combo will be the go.
I just emailed Marc about this very question today and he let me know that "we are trying to squeeze them in between the others"

I personally think Marc is doing a great job getting T5 out the door. Many of us have been waiting on this book for over a decade, so a few more weeks won't hurt :)

Totally agree with you BadgerLord.