SOC-14 1K
Yes, I am back with another Computer Design Sequence question
I want to make sure that I am interpreting the text correctly. The following is a condensed version of how I understand the text and hopefully what I have typed out is not confusing. Anyway here goes from p. 231 column 2, 3rd topic:
Etiquette and Protocol (E&P)
Type: User Interface; Cost: 50,000; PP Capacity: 4 [Social Standing (SOC) Score: 10] SOC is dependent on a computer's type & model CPU Req.
Effects: Intelligent computer with Charisma >= 10 can have an effective SOC. Cost is per
point of SOC. CPU Req. (Type & Model Table p. 224) = Base SOC 10.
Same CPU Req. = 1 point of increase to SOC.
Requirement: Personality Interface and INT >= 10
Example: A Master 0 (M0) computer with 800 CPU Output Units, Personality Interface (Cost: 50,000; PP Cap: 5) = Charisma 10, and INT 10 has a SOC = 10 would purchase an E&P program at: Cost: 50,000; PP Cap: 4.
Increasing the M0 SOC to 11, while leaving Charisma and INT at 10, requires that the CPU Output Units = 1,600 resulting an E&P program Cost: 100,000 and PP Cap: 4.
Did I correctly interpret what the text is saying on how the E&P program works?

I want to make sure that I am interpreting the text correctly. The following is a condensed version of how I understand the text and hopefully what I have typed out is not confusing. Anyway here goes from p. 231 column 2, 3rd topic:
Etiquette and Protocol (E&P)
Type: User Interface; Cost: 50,000; PP Capacity: 4 [Social Standing (SOC) Score: 10] SOC is dependent on a computer's type & model CPU Req.
Effects: Intelligent computer with Charisma >= 10 can have an effective SOC. Cost is per
point of SOC. CPU Req. (Type & Model Table p. 224) = Base SOC 10.
Same CPU Req. = 1 point of increase to SOC.
Requirement: Personality Interface and INT >= 10
Example: A Master 0 (M0) computer with 800 CPU Output Units, Personality Interface (Cost: 50,000; PP Cap: 5) = Charisma 10, and INT 10 has a SOC = 10 would purchase an E&P program at: Cost: 50,000; PP Cap: 4.
Increasing the M0 SOC to 11, while leaving Charisma and INT at 10, requires that the CPU Output Units = 1,600 resulting an E&P program Cost: 100,000 and PP Cap: 4.
Did I correctly interpret what the text is saying on how the E&P program works?