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Quick question on the Gateway to Destiny


SOC-14 1K
Can someone please tell me if the Gateway to Destiny package takes place during the CT era? (more or less during Strephon's reign)

I am thinking of starting a new campaign with my friends. Right now, I could go with the "safe choice" which is the Spinward Marches.... because canon CT already has tons of adventures and lore based in the Marches. But Im also hearing of good things about basing a campaign in the Gateway domain.
It's set in the year 993, which is about a hundred years earlier. However, nothing much happens in between (no rebellion, virus etc), so for most purposes it's about the same setting as classic traveller.

The one practical difference I've noticed while GMing is that the maximum TL for gear in general use is 14 in Gateway 993 instead of 15. It's kind of handy that you can introduce TL15 stuff and have it be rare/prototype/alien equipment, instead of needing to venture into TL16 gear that the books don't cover too well.

I wrote a review of the book, which is available here.