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Race to the Core


Vice Administrator
Admin Award
An exploration campaign I am running and developing for T5, and would like to share with the board.

To run this you will need the following:

1) T5
2) access to the TravellerMap
3) d6, pencils and paper.

Ok. Here is the premise. The year is 1260 IC, and the Fourth Imperium has just announced the discovery of the Hop drive. (Experimental Hop 2 and Prototype Hop 1 are available at TL 15).

The Travellers Aid Society has also announce that it will be offering an "X-Prize" for the first ship to bring back surveys of worlds along a Hop 2 route starting in the 4th Imperium world of Usdiki (The Capital), and going all the way to the galactic core. The X-Prize is being offered is an entire planet and a 4th Imperial Noble Patent to go with it.

Have the players choose a Jump 2 ship. Replace its Jump drive with a Hop 2 drive, and your good to go. It has fuel to undergo 10 Hop 2. I suggest any of the following ships:

1) Lab Ship
2) Safari Ship
3) Scout Courier
4) Leviathan Class Merchant Cruiser (Takes a little work to port this one over, but it will have a back up Jump 3 drive)
5) Far Trader

The reason I list these 5 choices, is that the choices not taken by the PCs, are Rival ships that are also racing for the core as well, and can be used for encounters along the way.

Now, here is the best part. Most of the work is already done for you. There is a completely mapped route, a sector wide, with full UWPs, leading from Charted Space to the Galactic Core on TravellerMap.com. It even includes the Barren Arm...But still no info on why its barren. Alls you have to do is ask the players what system they are going to do their refueling in, and that system is the one you can detail for the next games session/encounters. Or you can wing it.

Heres some other neat bits:

As we know the Empress Wave was a distress call from a Human Civilization (Called the Yaskoydri, who were sent to the core by the Ancients). This means that the inhabited worlds along the charted route are Human, Droyne, or Vargar worlds, unless you the Ref decide to use the Sophont Generator to place a new alien race to be encountered. This because this is the Zhodani Core Route, and the same route taken by the Yaskoydri to the core, and then settled by them as they fled the Empress Wave. Also this means that any world along the rout with high enough TL to be able to make Jump Drives, can be assumed to be able to do so, as the Yaskoydri are listed in 1248 as a Major Race.

The Zhodani Core Expeditions have only made it to about halfway through the barren arm, so there are another group of encounters for you to play with as well. Also the Star Vikings fron the TNE are supposedly on there way to the core as well, but they are like the Zhodani, stuck with Jump Drives.

It should only take about two years game time to get to the core, and two years for the return, so four years total. About the same amount of time as crossing the 3I from Regina to Terra, and going back, by Jump 2.

Players will need to trade for supplies, maintenance and repairs along the way there and back, so they cant just bypass everything. Translator programs or a superior linguist are a must, as are trade goods, as the CRImp is going to be worthless.

As for repairing the Hop Drives: Any planet with the capability for TL 14+ Jump Drives has the capability to make Hop Drives, or, so you don't have to teach someone how to make an entire Hop Drive, to fabricate new parts for them. Your engineer is going to be one of your most valuable people on the ship.

There are the basics. Any questions? Ideas? Things I have overlooked?

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Have they fixed the air filtration system in the Scout Courier in T5? If not, the Safari Ship may be the best option for a race there and back.
Have they fixed the air filtration system in the Scout Courier in T5? If not, the Safari Ship may be the best option for a race there and back.

LOL! You could just carry a few spare filters in your cargo hold!
[m;]Moved to appropriate forum. [/m;]
The Adventure: Part 1 Finding a Patron.

Should the players not have the money available to upgrade their drives to Hop 2, they need to find a patron to back them so they can enter the race. Who the patrons could be, can vary. Just remember, a patron may ask you to do additional things for them along the way, and/or they may ask for a substantial share of the reward for success...

The following are a few of the possible patrons who will upgrade your drives. In parenthesis are the type of ship they will be willing to back, or "lend" to the PCs should they need a ship.

1) A 4I University. Possible for Scholars. (Lab Ship)
2) A Megacorperation. Possible for anyone. (Leviathan Class or Far Trader)
3) A rich Noble. Possible for anyone. (Safari Ship)
4) The IISS. Possible for former Scouts and those Scouts on detached duty. (Scout/Courier)
5) The Imperial Navy. Possible for former Navy and Marine characters. (Scout/Courier)

The list is by no means exclusive.

Special Note: Once my game gets underway, I will post, in the appropriate sections of COTI, the ships, the worlds and the sophonts that my players meet as they race to the galactic core. Should be fun.

Can we specify the world that will make our ship?

Well, as its set in 1248 TNE setting (but T5 rules) I would say that is up to you GM. In my game, all ships will be modified with Hop Drives at the Fourth Imperium Capital of Usdiki. Where they were built will vary....
If I recall correctly, the Zhodani Core Expedition in the 1100s did make it to the core - they even created an outpost there, as can be seen on TravellerMap at http://travellermap.com/?sector=Yejiariebr. The previous expedition would've been the one that stopped at Zii Sector in the Zone of Barren Worlds.
Also, "Yaskoydray" is the Droyne name for Grandfather.
If I recall correctly, the Zhodani Core Expedition in the 1100s did make it to the core - they even created an outpost there, as can be seen on TravellerMap at http://travellermap.com/?sector=Yejiariebr. The previous expedition would've been the one that stopped at Zii Sector in the Zone of Barren Worlds.
Also, "Yaskoydray" is the Droyne name for Grandfather.

You are not quite correct. While it is true that in CT, the Zhodani were to launch a core expedition in the 1100s (It was the adventure in the back of the Zhodani module), The publication of Traveller TNE changed a lot of things, the least of which was that bit of "cannon", and the publication of the TNE 1248 books updated things even more.

The Zhodani core expedition in 1108 was never launched due to the chaos created by the Empress Wave crossing Zhodani Space. The Empress Wave caused Zhodani society to break down and collapse, and they didn't even start recovering until well after 1200 IC. It was also the Empress Waves effects of Zho society in their core ward territories that was the source of the Visions of combat on the core route.

You are correct, Yaskoydray is Grandfather, first of the Ancients. The Yaskoydri are a Major psionic human race found beyond the Zone of Barren Worlds. They were sent there during the time of the Ancients, my guess is by Yaskoydray, hence the similarity in names. The Yaskoydri are also the origin of the Empress Wave.

As for whats on the TravellerMap, It uses world data that is current for 1105 IC. The route projected to the core was on an Ancient artifact, and included worlds that the Zhodani had planned to use in the aborted 1108 ic core expedition. So the worlds past Zii have not yet been seen by the Zhodani, nor will they be.

All of this information is in the TNE Regency sourcebook and in the 1248 books on the TNE disk 2 From FFE.
If I recall correctly, the Zhodani Core Expedition in the 1100s did make it to the core - they even created an outpost there, as can be seen on TravellerMap at http://travellermap.com/?sector=Yejiariebr. The previous expedition would've been the one that stopped at Zii Sector in the Zone of Barren Worlds.
Also, "Yaskoydray" is the Droyne name for Grandfather.

Of course, what you say could be true in GURPs Travellers "Golden" ATU. But as Zii is a long way from the core, even by Jump 5, the worlds marked Zho at the core would still only be projected colonies even then.