There may well be more Suerrat, but I don't know about them yet. This can be due to several issues. The biggest one is that there are only 26 worlds in the current data that indicate Suerrat populations of significance, 27 with the Suerrat homeworld on Ilelish. These are marked in the Remarks with SuerN or (Suerrat) for the homeworld.
The total population of these 27 worlds regardless is only 398,037,750,000, less Suerrat if it if it does not SuerW code.
Code Name PopulationActual
Suer9 Shume 90,000,000,000
Suer8 Sashlunsdham 70,000,000,000
SuerW Atte 60,000,000,000
SuerW Dilipuu 50,000,000,000
(Suerrat) Ilelish 20,000,000,000
SuerW Kigaru 20,000,000,000
Suer8 Aamuri 20,000,000,000
Suer9 Agari 10,000,000,000
Suer8 Agaru 9,000,000,000
Suer7 Poseidon 9,000,000,000
SuerW Shudash 8,000,000,000
SuerW Khirar 7,000,000,000
SuerW Imsaggir 6,000,000,000
Suer8 Hardy 6,000,000,000
SuerW Imur 3,000,000,000
Suer3 Shudiikii 3,000,000,000
Suer7 Durward 2,000,000,000
Suer4 Garden 2,000,000,000
Suer7 New Dakota 1,000,000,000
Suer6 Spring 1,000,000,000
Suer2 Avery 800,000,000
Suer8 Freya 100,000,000
Suer4 Barrington 100,000,000
SuerW Squee'tak 30,000,000
SuerW Shalud 7,000,000
SuerW Prunt 700,000
SuerW Squee'qua 50,000