I hate to be That Guy who has to rain on every parade, but while the idea of people building TL5 radios sounds pretty good for low-tech worlds, I feel it's one of the big pitfalls (not necessarily a flaw) of the Traveller universe; I think the only worlds that'd have vacuum tube technology would be some backwater autarky that is determined to develop everything themselves and not trade with the outside universe at all - even information. I don't think anyone's ever tried it on Earth, but if you have the sum of modern scientific/technical information, I think even if you have had to start from a stone age setting, you could skip large portions of intermediate technologies that historically happened because we were stumbling blind to develop new things.
In essence, a vacuum tube is the worst of all worlds in a TL based system of different markets (worlds) with different TLs: Tubes are hard to construct, requiring quite a bit of industrial infrastructure (some of it pretty specialized). The end result is heavy, temperamental, failure prone, and because they're failure prone expensive in terms of having to carry around spare tubes. A starship's machine shop, if its capable of making a vacuum tube, is going to be capable of making an electronic radio which will likely be lighter, more reliable, and less demanding of power supplies.
I think there'd be a large gulf between very simple to construct radio equipment, like crystal radios, particularly Russian work like the "crystodyne" technology and so on - that stuff can be gussied up in a machine shop. Yeah, the performance isn't great, but it can be made in primitive conditions. Then you'd jump to electronic radios.