trader jim
SOC-14 1K
Is there a DAILY/SHIFT Random Event chart/listing out there somewhere covering what can happen during a regular ships shift while going from point A to point B????...there are a MILLION things that can go wrong during ships movment. has any one made a good list that can be used????
have I missed it???? Can we all make one up????
I think it would add "spice" to a session. the only thing i can find is when you start you can "missjump", and when you arrive, you can encounter several types of ships. What about all that time you are "Travelling"???....anything can happen during that time.....
have I missed it???? Can we all make one up????
I think it would add "spice" to a session. the only thing i can find is when you start you can "missjump", and when you arrive, you can encounter several types of ships. What about all that time you are "Travelling"???....anything can happen during that time.....