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Random placement in the Imperium


Absent Friend
I found myself wanting to locate 29 shipyards randomly across the Imperium and whipped up this litte table:
Imperium random placement tables

001-007 Alpha Crucis
008-060 Antares
061-117 Core
118-138 Corridor
139-195 Dagudashaag
196-248 Daibei
249-280 Delphi
281-326 Deneb
327-383 Diaspora
384-404 Empty Quarter
405-461 Fornast
462-465 Glimmerdrift Reaches
466-515 Gushemege
516-518 Hinterworlds
519-561 Ilelish
562-596 Ley
597-653 Lishun
654-664 Magyar
665-721 Massila
722-774 Old Expanses
775-781 Reaver's Deep
782-784 Reft (cis-rift)
785-788 Reft (trans-rift)
789-831 Solomani Rim
832-870 Spinward Marches
871-884 Trojan Reach
885-902 Verge
903-951 Vland
952-000 Zarushagar​
Note that it's a very crude table, created in 15 minutes and based solely on the number of Imperial subsectors in a sector and me arbitrarily deciding which subsectors counted and which didn't. Most notably I haven't accounted for population density or political prominence and that sort of thing.

You could use the table to determine the home sector of a chance-met Imperial NPC, but if so I'd roll several times and take the result closest to the sector where he was encountered.
