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I was using the MgT supplement 11 animal encounters to detail a creature on Pysadi. I may need to save this for an uninhabited world and do up another for Pysadi.

Class - Mammal - Carnivore
Quirk - On the verge of sentience
Terrain - Woods, possibly others
Movement - Walk
Behavior - Hunter/Chaser
Size 200kg
Str 16 (+3) Dex 25 (+6) End 15 (+3)
Int 2 (-2) Instinct 14 (+2)
Pack 5, Number encountered: 1D6
Weapons - Claws and Teeth, Damage 4D6
Armor - 7
Attack - If outnumber foes attacks else 6+ if heavier than foes, else 10+
Flee - 5-
Skills: Survival 1, Stealth 0, Recon 1, Athletics 1, Melee (Natural) 2
Initiative DM +5

It's like a Tiger on steroids. If I leave it on Pysadi it'll have twin prehensile tails too :D
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