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Reading Extended UWP Data


Been looking for a "key" to read extended UWPs, can't seem to find such a discussion here or in my Traveller library.

Faiwyd 0105 E500589-7   N    Ni Va    A 712  Im  M6 D M2 D

The base stuff:

Faiwyd = Name
0105 = Hex
E500589-7 = UWP
N = Naval Base. (S for Scout, B for Both?, W for Waystation)
Ni Va = Trade Codes

The extended stuff:

A = ? I've also seen an R in this column also.
712 = ?
Im = Allegiance. Im for Imperial, etc.
M6 D M2 D = Stellar data, this system has a companion star.

Where's the gas giant information?
Has someone ever posted a list of all the trade code abbreviations?

As = Asteroid (Size 0)
Ba = Barren (?)
Hi = High Pop. (Pop X+?)
Lo = Low Pop. (Pop X-?)
Po = Poor (Atmo 2-5, Hydro 3-)
Wa = Water world (Hydro A)
Fl = ?
Ni = Non-Industrail (Pop 6-)
In = Industrial (Atmo 0,1,2,4,7,9 & Pop 9+)
Ic = Ice cap (Atmo 0 or 1, Hydro 1+)
Va = Vacuum (Atmo 0)
De = Desert (Hydro 0, Atmo 2+)
Cp = ?
Ag = Agricultural (Atmo 4-9, Hydro 4-8, Pop 5-7)
Ri = Rich (Atmo 6 or 8, Pop 6-8, Gov 4-9)
Been looking for a "key" to read extended UWPs, can't seem to find such a discussion here or in my Traveller library.

Handiest source I can think of is page 21 in Spinward Marches Campaign. It's a one page table set that explains it all.

Faiwyd 0105 E500589-7   N    Ni Va    A 712  Im  M6 D M2 D

The base stuff:

Faiwyd = Name

0105 = Hex

E500589-7 = UWP

N = Imperial Naval Base. S = Imperial Scout Base, A = Both; W = IISS Way Station, B = Imperial Navy Base and IISS Way Station

Ni Va = Trade Codes

The extended stuff:

A = Amber Zone, R = Red Zone

712 = PBG data:

7 = Population qualifier, the number in front of the Pop code (example Pop code 4 and PBG 712 is 70,000 population)
1 = (planetoid) Belts in the system (example 1 = 1 belt system)
2 = Gas giants in the system (example 2 = 2 gas giants)

Im = Allegiance. Im for Imperial, etc.

M6 D M2 D = Stellar data, this system has a companion star.

As = Asteroid (Size 0)
Ba = Barren (Pop 0, Gov 0, Law 0)
Hi = High Pop. (Pop 9+)
Lo = Low Pop. (Pop 3-)
Po = Poor (Atmo 2-5, Hydro 3-)
Wa = Water world (Hydro A)
Fl = Fluid Hydrographics (oceans are not water)
Ni = Non-Industrail (Pop 6-)
In = Industrial (Atmo 0,1,2,4,7,9 & Pop 9+)
Ic = Ice cap (Atmo 0 or 1, Hydro 1+)
Va = Vacuum (Atmo 0)
De = Desert (Hydro 0, Atmo 2+)
Cp = Capital
Ag = Agricultural (Atmo 4-9, Hydro 4-8, Pop 5-7)
Ri = Rich (Atmo 6 or 8, Pop 6-8, Gov 4-9)
nAg = Non-Agricultural ( Atm 3-, Hyd 3-, Pop 6+ : synthetic food dependent)
nIn = Non-Industrial (Pop 6-)
Last edited:
I can't remember where I got this:

A0 Tlaukhu bloc
A1 Tlaukhu bloc
A2 Tlaukhu Bloc
A3 Tlaukhu Bloc
A4 Tlaukhu Bloc
A5 Tlaukhu Bloc
A6 Tlaukhu Bloc
A7 Tlaukhu Bloc
A8 Tlaukhu Bloc
A9 Tlaukhu Bloc
Ac Acara/Solomani
Ac Altarean Confederation
Ac Anubian Trade Coalition
Ak Akeena Union
Ak Auftei Ktaih
Al Alto/Solomani
Am Amon/Imperial
Am Amondiage
Ar Aoiftu Roakh
As Aslan
Au Austa/Imperial
Ba Confederation of Bammesuka
Bl Blackjack/Solomani
Bo Bobbo/Solomani
Bs Belgardian Sojourn
Bs Bright Star Cooperate
Ca Corsair Alliance
Ca Principality of Caledon
Cb Carillian Assembly
Ch Chirper
Cn Creation of Nonpareil
Co Corellian
Cs Client State
Ct Carter Technocracy
Cu Cytrialin Unity
Cv Unknown (Cv)
Da Darrian
Da Daftnew/Solomani
Dc Delsun Comagistrant
Dd Domain of Deneb
De Deriabar/Solomani
Dg Dienbach Grüpen
Dj Daprolix Juncture of Suns
Dn Demos of Nobles
Dr Droyne
Ek Ekar/Solomani
En Unknown
Es Eslyat
Es Esperanza
Et Ethlum/Solomani
Fa Federation of Arden
Fd Federation of Daibei
Fi Federation of Ilelish
Fl Florian League
Fo Fteiheiel Oih
Ga Third Empire of Gashikan
Ga Galian Federation
Ga Gralyn Assemblage
Gi Gniivi
Gk Khan World League
Gl Ginlenchy Concordance
Go Gyj-nuah 'Oew
Gt Great Terbah
Gu Gursky/Solomani
H* Star Patterns Trading
Ha Hachiman/Solomani
Hc Hefrin Colony
Hc Council of Heads
He Hessoun/Solomani
Hf Fed. Develop. Agency
Hi Six Eyes Nest
Hl Julian Prot. (Lorean Hegem.)
Ho Hochiken People's Assembly
Hr Harpring/Solomani
Hv Hive Federation
Ic Icenogle/Solomani
Id Islaiat Dominate
If Iyeaao'fte
Im Imperial
J- Julian Prot. (Unincorporated)
Ja Julian Prot. (Asimikigir Confed.)
Jc Julian Prot. (Const. of Koekhon)
Jd Joie De Vivre
Jf Jonson-Bowes Federation
Jh Julian Prot. (Hhkar Sphere)
Jl Julian Prot. (Lumda Dower)
Jm Julian Prot. (Cmnwlth of Mendan)
Jn Jurisiction of Nadon
Jo Joyeuse
Jo Julian Prot. (Alliance of Ozuvon)
Jp Julian Prot. (Pirbarish Starlane)
JP Julian Protectorate
Jr Julian Prot. (Rukadukaz Rep.)
Jr Julian Prot. (Rukadukaz Repub.)
Ju Julian Prot. (Ukhanzi Coord.)
Jv Julian Prot. (Vugurar Dominion)
KC K'kree Client State
Kl Kline/Solomani
Kx Krax Confederation
La Lachlan/Solomani
La League of Antares
Lg Landgrebe/Solomani
Li Lucan's Imperium
Lp Council of Leh Perash
Lv Lords of Vision
Ma Marlan Primate
Ma Margaret's Imperium
Me Megusard Corporate
Mh Grand Duchy of Marlheim
Mi Minsk/Solomani
Mn Mandanin Co-Dominion
Mo Morsen/Solomani
Mu Malorn Union
Na Non-aligned
Nb Neubayem
Nc New Colchis
Nh New Home
Nu Nubtar/Solomani
Oc Ock/Solomani
Of Oleaiy'fte
Ow Outcasts of the Whispering Sky
Pl Plavian League
Pb Parity of Brothers
Ra Ral Ranta
Ra Randzo/Solomani
Re Reynold/Imperial
Re Renkard Union
Rn Rm Nai
Rv Restored Vilani Empire
Sa Sansterre
Sa Sapphire/Solomani
Sb Serendip Belt
Sc Sarkan Constellation
Sh Sharn/Solomani
Sk Stanko/Solomani
So Solomani
Sr Stansifer/Solomani
St Stancombe/Solomani
St Strephon's Worlds
Sw Sword Worlds
Sw Swanfei Independency
Sy Sylean Federation
Sy Sydymic Empire
Ta Tealou Arlaoh
Tb Trita Brotherhood
Tc Tellerian Cluster
Td Trelyn Domain
Tl Tolson/Solomani
To Tooma/Solomani
Tr Trindel Confederacy
Tr Toh Republic
Tw Theocracy of Weltschmerz
Uh Union of Harmony
Un Unpopulated
V6 Assemblage of 1116
V7 Vargr (17th Disjuncture)
Va Vargr (independent)
Ve Vegan
Vf Dzarrgh Federate
Vg Glory of Taarskoerzn
Vh Irrgh Manifest
Vi Viyard Concourse
Vn Vargr (Ngath Confederation)
Vu United Followers of Augurgh
Vw Julian Prot. (Rar Errall/Wolves W.)
Vx Vargr (Antares Pact)
Wa Wair/Solomani
Wc Counsel of the Wise
Wd Winston Democracy
Wi Wilkerson/Solomani
Wu Wu/Solomani
Ww Woal Warliylr
Xf FDA world outside of HF
Xi Xianjin/Solomani
Za Zarian Realm
Zh Zhodani
Zo Zongwu/Solomani
Zu Zuugabish Tripartite
Be warned: allegiance codes are not unique across extant SEC files. Sector metadata needs to define a code to allegiance mapping. I'll try and add a page to the map site that indexes the codes.
Thanks for the replies. I'm not bothered by the allegiance codes. I was making sure I was getting things right in the extended data for a near Melieu 0 campaign.

Looks like CT, MGT, and T5 all share similar trade codes with only minor differences.
Thanks for the replies. I'm not bothered by the allegiance codes. I was making sure I was getting things right in the extended data for a near Melieu 0 campaign.

Looks like CT, MGT, and T5 all share similar trade codes with only minor differences.

Would you be willing to share your data ?

If you give me a few more weeks, I've been compiling and organizing all of the extended data found from all the various SEC files found on http://www.travellermap.com/ into a MySQL database for my System Search web site.

I'm currently writing code that will generate full stats for every sun, planet, belt, gas giant and moon for each of the 50,000-odd systems that appear on travellermap.com, complete with solar system maps and UWPs for every object.

Once I'm done and my site goes live, I'll release that data to anyone who wants it, either as a MySQL dump or as a MS Access file.
Would you be willing to share your data ?


Oops sorry just noticed this. My "Terran Dawn" campaign information is being built slowly and available through the website in my signature link. UWPs for the Solomani Rim at the end of the Long Night (non-canon, my speculation) are already available along with a history PDF. Still working on a very detailed (approx. 150 pages) Old Earth Union "pocket" campaign guide that is nearing rough draft.