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Reading the Aramis Subsector

Star Trek Worlds?

Not really. Not in the Aramis subsector. There's only one Size 8 world, and that's Corfu. Starport X. Dense and tainted atmo. TL 8. Interdicted and under Imperial quarantine due to disease.

How about atmosphere?


Paya. Starport A. Size 6. TL 9.
Zila. Starport E. Size 2. TL 7. Amber Zone.
Aramanx. Starport B. Size 6. TL 6.


Focaline. Starport E. Size A. TL A.
Nasmin. Starport B. Size 9. TL B. Waterworld.
L'oeul d'Dieu. Starport B. Size 9. TL B. Waterworld.
Notoko. Starport B. Size 5. TL 8


Heguz. Starport E. Size 6. TL C Extremely low population.
Violante. Starport C. Size 6. TL A

This tells us a lot about the subsector.

I wonder how important fresh air and open sky is to these people? The default that we think of is that it's very important, but most of the people in the Aramis subsector are living their lives standing on grav plates and breathing recirculated air.
The Bread Basket of the Aramis Subsector.

Which worlds export the majority of the food in the subsector?

Agricultural worlds.


Interestingly, Corfu, Zila, and Zykoca are also tagged as Agricultural.

Corfu has a Starport X, is a Red Zone, yet much of their economy is devoted to Agriculture. A Ref can run with this. Being a Red Zone, Ref's may have to get special licenses to land on Corfu and do trade business.

Zila is described in detail in TTA, and it's an Amber Zone, with Starport E.

Zykoca has Starport X, also a Red Zone.
Traveller Adventure Question: The crew has 80 weeks time "saved" to go off subsidy contract. If the players reject the "pull" given by Baseru with the Patinir miner's deal of 120 tons of cargo and the demountable fuel tanks, they then can head rimward, into the Rhylanor subsector.

There are three worlds to explore in that direction--four worlds if you count Saarinen in the Sabine subsector--where the big attraction will be Margesi, with its TL 12 and Starport A.

What would you do, as Ref, to encourage players to take the route outlined in TTA?
With a J1 ship these would part of there subby route IMO. Any warrant or such out of Aramis will most likely be waiting for them at Margsi.
Also remind the PCs that
A. the "pull" is the quickest way to leave without running empty
B. wait for the next possible load 6+ weeks later
C. they are "running" from issues on the route

Just ideas :D
Traveller Adventure Question: The crew has 80 weeks time "saved" to go off subsidy contract. If the players reject the "pull" given by Baseru with the Patinir miner's deal of 120 tons of cargo and the demountable fuel tanks, they then can head rimward, into the Rhylanor subsector.

There are three worlds to explore in that direction--four worlds if you count Saarinen in the Sabine subsector--where the big attraction will be Margesi, with its TL 12 and Starport A.

What would you do, as Ref, to encourage players to take the route outlined in TTA?
The worst bit of the Traveller Adventure is the start.
They find a wallet - which later basically says here is the plot
They encounter a Vargr they have nor reason to help and agree to commit larceny and then illegally smuggle him off world.

Change it. This is what I did. During their annual maintenance enforced r&r, they get in a barroom brawl with the crew of the Wolblutn (a bit of a rpg cliché but hey ho) and this gives the opportunity to discover the wallet).
Introduce Gvoudzon, he helps out in the brawl and goes his own way. They meet him again in the museum; they witness him being beaten.
Ignore the museum break in and smuggling him offworld, instead have him show up as a passenger to Natoko, along with a couple of other very late additions to the passenger manifest.
One of these should be a spook on Gvoudzon's tail (badum tish) who tries to get the broach back either in jump or by assaulting Gvoudzon at Nakoto.
Gvoudzon has asked one of the crew to look after the broach, under torture he reveals this. The goons come looking for the crew, take it from there.
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With a J1 ship these would part of there subby route IMO. Any warrant or such out of Aramis will most likely be waiting for them at Margsi.

That, sir, is one excellent recommendation. I hadn't thought of that, but you are correct. The authorities would not expect the J-1 Harrier to jump outside of the Aramis Cluster.
Ignore the museum break in and smuggling him offworld, instead have him show up as a passenger to Natoko, along with a couple of other very late additions to the passenger manifest.

One thing I've done in the past is have the Harrier short a Gunner. Gvoudzon is a gunner. He hires on...and away we go.