• Welcome to the new COTI server. We've moved the Citizens to a new server. Please let us know in the COTI Website issue forum if you find any problems.

Red Pelt Vargr

The Wiki mentions that the "Red Pelts", a group of Suedzuk Vargr migrate across several sectors perpendicular to the virus flow (any ideas where from) before settling and terrorising the Million, Antra and neighbouring subsectors.

a) What does the Suedzuk language sound like? Is there a language table available?

b) What made them start out on their trek?

c) Why did they stop?

d) If they didn't loot (as the wiki description says) how did they sustain their migration?

e) Who were their leaders?

f) How many were there? In how many ships?

g) How did they manage to avoid getting "Virused" to death when everyone else is?

Any opinions?