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Red Wizard

The Pakkrat

SOC-14 1K
Admin Award
Red Wizard
Expanded from 101 Plots from BITS
For Marc Miller’s Traveller
Expanded for Classic Traveller minigame play
By the Pakkrat

Coupled with the Realvision hardware console, Red Wizard is a virtual reality, fantasy genre game enjoyed by sophonts across Charted Space. The heavily instanced game has skyrocketed user membership, enriching both the Realvision virtual reality platform and the developers of the online game Red Wizard.

The goal in Red Wizard is to progress as one of a selection of wizardly professions up through the circles and modalities to become a “Red Wizard” the pinnacle of magical mastery. The game uses either a direct connection CyberCord to a user’s implanted Wafer Jack for direct, thought controlled interface or a goggles and gauntlets connection via SlothCord. Wafer Jack interface users are loosely called ‘Jacks’ while the less invasive gear users are termed ‘Sloths’ who must turn their heads or make gestures with the gauntlets to give the console platform commands. Users move their avatars, specially generated and secure personalities, through the virtual game world to go on quests, develop established headquarters and team up with other wizards to surmount more difficult challenges.


In Red Wizard, all users called players take on a wizardly profession while the game world portrays all the mundane peasantry, quest-givers, town guards as well as monsters called ‘mobs’ to fearsome ‘boss’ villains. Story flows along as a backdrop to the players’ avatar progression. Avatars are specially encoded through high-tech translative programming by use of a player’s real and most recent body-scan down to DNA code. A typical body-scan (TL-8 and higher) costs around Cr1000. This makes an avatar in Red Wizard unusable to any other player, limits a user to only one avatar in the game world and ensures the player’s likeness appears as the scan records. Records can be updated for the avatar but never duplicated or accessed by another user. Gaming critics have complained of the singleton avatar choices but the community across Charted Space has not followed suit in a boycott.
Though the choices of wizardly professions increase as development playtests new archetypes for release, the current professions are:


Alchemist – the chymist, the brewmaster, mixologist of arcane formulae, centers on magical, one-off buffs for himself and his team or explosive volatiles to defeat foes

Artificer – an inventor, clock-worker, master craftsman using magic and technology to produce thaumaturgical and labyrinthine devices to employ in adventuring and vanquishing foes

Elementalist – Air, Earth, Fire, Water and those between the classic elements are the purview of this wizard never without at least one to bend to his will in various application


Godstriker – the priest, prophet, divine invoker who uses immortal magic to heal allies and strike holy energies upon his foes

Primal – the druid, the shapechanger, a naturalist worker of ancient runes and woadling, this mystic hearkens back to the Old Ways of magic to amplify his combat prowess


Profaner – the necromancer, sorcerer, defiler, warlock who uses diabolic, abyssal and negative energies directly to slay enemies, summon extraplanar entities or animate corpses to command


More professions are added in increments of a few years while others are removed to Legacy Mode when they fall out of favor of the fanbase.
One profession sent to Legacy Mode was the Psionicist wizard. This controversial profession was discontinued in 775 Imperial when scandals and smear campaigns gone viral over psionics and known Psions which led to the Psionic Suppressions and the closure of all Psionic Institutes. In conjunction with the mandates from the Emperor, Red Wizard and Realvision sent the game Psionicist into Legacy Mode by sending all player-users back to initial login and avatar design to choose a new profession.

Magic in Red Wizard is dangerous. One key mechanic is the Backlash or Surge, described as magical power becoming too chaotic for the wizard to maintain control. Each user interface has a Backlash Meter allowing them to monitor how much active energies they have stacked cumulative. Often this meter is unreliable as it only grants an estimation of how much more magic a wizard can bring to bear before a Backlash occurs. The most common effect of such an overload is the death of that wizard, though lesser effects have been recorded by players witnessing a Backlash from afar.

Alchemists – prepare their volatiles, acids, chemicals, explosives and other products of recipes and formulae at the site that they are prepared. This means that they backlash most often at their Tower outside of battling foes.

Artificers – suffer fewer backlash events than other wizards, however their contraptions are more likely to misfire, malfunction, explode, fall to pieces or backfire on the wizard. Often an Alchemist and their Laboratory suffers the brunt of such surges though they can include allies when it happens to them.

Elementalists – backlashes from the fast magic of the Elementalist are immediate and can be devastating as the wizard loses control of or misdirects the mix of elements in their application. Elementalist surges can spawn terrible, lasting weather effects, tidal problems, earthquakes, or wildfires if caution is lost to the wind.

Godstrikers – coming from their divine source or a feedback loop from smiting foes, these priests can suffer immense backlashes from overextending their miraculous magics too widely, too often, or when an effect is too intense to avoid such a surge.

Primals – like the Alchemist, these followers of the Old Ways can employ too many runes, too dense of woadling paints, stacking too many enhancements or runic magic effects in their immediate area or directly to themselves or others for their skill to cause devastating, critical mass meltdowns of released magical chaos.

Profaners – the fastest and most malignant magics of these sorcerers propel them up the Backlash Meter the quickest, offset by their meteoric advancement as a profession. This is not a wizardly profession for the impatient.
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Death in Red Wizard is not forever. An Apotheosis Quest can be undertaken by a wizard’s allies (thus encouraging group play and making friends in-game) to restore the slain wizard to life. Often, this much damage upon a wizard destroys vital gear, raw resources, magical treasures, formulae, plans, runes, crystals, ghost stones and the like. Once an Apotheosis Quest is completed, the restored wizard returns to activity where they left off at the time of death and emerging from Town Chapel or rising from the Cemetery

Wizard versus wizard game play is forbidden by Red Wizard except in certain bannered areas or out in the wilderness of the game world. This is made possible by the Covenant of the Five-fold Crux which prevents wizards from using magic against each other in bannered areas featuring the displayed and visible Five-fold Crux emblem.

Travellers logging onto Red Wizard through its Realvision console and control interfaces will find expertise in gaming from either Computer or Gambling skills as the former grants an understanding of console use and the programming behind the game mechanics while the latter garners an edge in pushing the risks versus rewards aspect of virtual adventuring. Levels in either skill are positive DMs on throws where indicated by the Referee. Other DMs come from active buffs, debilitating debuffs, magical treasures, and situational modifiers designated by the Referee.

After logging on for the first time, each wizard begins Red Wizard after the player’s avatar is formed from the uploading of the player’s body-scan encoded into the virtual model and a profession is selected. The game takes extra time in its tutorial chapters at this juncture to help the player find the right wizardly profession from the choices available through questionnaire interview. The game warns users that once a profession is confirmed, such is permanently encoded into the avatar, again increasing the individuality of that wizard.

Since all Red Wizard avatars appear as fantastical versions of the real-life user, there is very little shaming across species, ethnicity, race, identity, or idealization (however small or superficial). A user simply accepts that their wizard looks like them only more magical. While this does prompt some races to gravitate toward wizardly professions that have affinity to that race or racial stereotype, such is the exception and not the standard. The wizard avatar can age with updated body-scans which are uploaded to Red Wizard through a Realvision console. In game, the new look of an avatar often shows Aging and tries to compensate with distinctive looks, outfit ensembles to reflect maturity and proficiency as the player-user enjoys Red Wizard through their lifespans.

Clones: A single Clone of a pattern donor can inherit a Red Wizard avatar, but only after a patching update via a body-scan is overlaid on the previous player-user’s wizard. This rarely happens, but developers are working to streamline such inheritances of in-game assets.

The fleshed-out wizard in the likeness of the player of Red Wizard the begins play in a novice zone with an affinity for the chosen profession:

Alchemist begins in a mountainous valley, a pastoral retreat of raw resources and a very small hamlet to set forth from and into adventure.

Artificer graduates from a mountainous region with mines and a university with a few device plans as parting gifts to tinker as he travels.

Godstriker leaves out from a temple or shrine surrounded by a monastery high in the tallest mountains, descending to the hinterlands and then the lowlands, bringing the divine powers with her.

emerges from a forest that spans about a tall volcano with a snow line about its windswept peak.

Primal stalks the primeval forest, among the tall redwoods of the faerie lands before taking a Rathe to the more common zones.

Profaner trudges from a sepulcher surrounded on all sides by swampy fens covered by wet and mossy cypress trees.

The professions paths converge upon the Town. This is the central civilization for each console or online instance. The Town grows or shrinks depending on online latency to connect with a world net or SysNet (TL-8 or higher). The players of the local, client console will always find their wizards’ structures in the Town. It features an Inn, one or more Taverns, Guildhalls, Library and headquarters for each kind of wizard profession, (e.g. Tower, Lab, Element Nexus, Chapel, Cemetery, Magh Stone). Underneath the Town are beginner sorties for newer wizards such as the Sewers, Waterworks, and the Town Dungeons. Other adventuring locales within the Town walls are the Cemetery, Arena Colosseum and temporary zones tacking onto the Town for story events initiated by the game from the developers of Red Wizard.
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Features of the Town include but are not limited to:

Inn – the communal resting area for wizards allowing diminishing results to reset to a normal factor

Tavern – the communal gathering establishment for wizards to seek quests, compare standings, peruse or schedule events, and other communications through Red Wizard; data meant for interstellar systems is uploaded to X-boat and other Courier systems for delivery though such may cost the wizard some in-game currency or valuable asset

Guildhall – a cabal of wizards can band together to construct a Guildhall in the Town allowing the cabal to share assets, raw resources, a private resting area similar to the Tavern and set cabal-only quests and tasks

Tower, Laboratory, Element Nexus, Chapel, Magh Stone, Cemetery – special sites within the Town that are directly tied to the various professions wherein magics of that profession are employed to greater efficiency, sometimes found outside of Town but never all together

True adventuring begins when a wizard or circle (adventuring group, named cabals or pick-up teams) of wizards set forth from the Town into the first, generally unaffiliated exploration zone. There, resources, flora, fauna and changing weather are experienced. Generally, there will be at least farmlands, ranches and named beasts in this first exploration zone. Adjacent to this zone can be found:

Named Fauna Lair
Special Event Site
Intense Weather area

Events which have timed duration occur in Red Wizard. They can be encountered in the Town at a structure such as the Arena Colosseum or at a profession structure. Events can be story-driven, initiated by accident of a wizard’s actions, a quest begun or completed, or any other trigger devised by the developers. Some Events have affinity for a particular profession, members of which can include other professions as allies.

To regulate real time spent playing Red Wizard, the game presents diminishing results the more ‘tired’ a wizard becomes in adventuring and preparing for adventure in the Town. Such eroding productivity encourages the player-user to log off and give themselves a break or to properly plan group outings as one cohesive unit. Most often this recuperative downtime is spent with an avatar relaxing in the Inn in the Town or a Guildhall where they have membership.

Demographics census shows participation by player-users skews heavily in favor of Humaniti followed closely by Vargr with Aslan a distant third. Of Humaniti, the Solomani embrace the fantasy world of Red Wizard the most with Vilani following them and trailing with Zhodani and other Minor Human races. Even the Zhodani Consulate has member clients, the majority of players being Zhodani Proles. Red Wizard is heavily regulated by the Zhodani Tavrchedl’ so that the game does not override a citizen’s civic duties and occupation.

Though many client consoles become disconnected as they travel despite interfacing with a network or through a starship Comm system, all world-system servers do experience World Events which can last a year or more to disseminate throughout Charted Space, run the Event and collect results of the Event in a returning wave of gathered data for the developers. World Events can be timed, feature new content, download patches to game mechanics, changes to game world topography or add new adventuring zones, and include competitive and cooperative elements.

Expansions to Red Wizard are widely varied. Mystical portals or magical gateways can deposit wizard on alternate fantasy worlds, planes or dimensions, or mirror existing zones out of phase with the normal ones. Such interludes can be timed for open or closed ingress, include expansion advertisements, feature races to open or keep open these eventful pathways, or territorial battles across professions for control of a portal.
Adventuring zones eventually give way to plot zones, areas of the Red Wizard game world that display a story pointing back to the actions of a Villain sometimes referred to as a ‘boss’ who has had an effect on this region of virtual space. Wizards will adventure through such zones to gather clues, hear stories from non-wizards of that zone and make up their priorities as to continue to resolve the Villain’s plotting.

The Villains of Red Wizard are often foes of the wizards, whether by accident, result of actions of the wizards in an adventuring zone, villainous plotting and actions upon that zone, or fault of the game world acting upon itself. These Villains are found in their headquarters, often a citadel, fortress, or other fantastic structure or landform in which they send forth effects upon the surrounding adventuring zones. Often, these unheeded warning signs reach all the way to the Town where bulletins of the encroachment of mysterious forces have been reported to Taverns and Guildhalls. Villains have the richest rewards but also carry the most dangerous risks and threat levels to the adventuring wizards who confront them.

The security over both the Red Wizard code, game content and player avatars are constantly updated by advanced programmers. Attempts to hack the game have only succeeded within a single world-system and then only in small nodes across a planetary network since latency is such that interplanetary hacks are extremely difficult.

Referees should only allow local hacks by Travellers with Computer Skill and then limit their influence on a regional node where latency is minimal. A hack will instantly raise a Law Check as the game security code struggles to repel the hack.
Referees: Red Wizard can be an excellent answer to, "What are the Travellers doing during jump transit?" For earlier Editions of Traveller, this can be a side interlude story embedded in a fantasy genre and may include wizardly progression or communication with other wizards via a local world SysNet.

Plot - A real world user, a player named Pepper who is the lead guitarist of the interstellar rock band Hot & Spicy is meeting inside Red Wizard to spread Library Data uploads to each world she travels with her band. Pepper is a female Human from the Julian Protectorate and appears quite regally as she is rated as a "Red Wizard". It is her hope to aid the band's bassist and songwriter Cinnamon, an Irilitok Vargr female, to secretly distribute Pepper's hidden Library Data uploaded to the SysNet of each world. Pepper needs the Traveller-players of Red Wizard aid in further spreading the message of peace during an era of Frontier Wars and the later Rebellion. But such uploads can be illegal, heretical or treasonous to polities such as the Third Imperium or other states. Law Checks are the trigger for such propaganda uploads. How will each world react to insidious propaganda?
Referees: Red Wizard can be an excellent answer to, "What are the Travellers doing during jump transit?" For earlier Editions of Traveller, this can be a side interlude story embedded in a fantasy genre and may include wizardly progression or communication with other wizards via a local world SysNet.

Plot - A real world user, a player named Pepper who is the lead guitarist of the interstellar rock band Hot & Spicy is meeting inside Red Wizard to spread Library Data uploads to each world she travels with her band. Pepper is a female Human from the Julian Protectorate and appears quite regally as she is rated as a "Red Wizard". It is her hope to aid the band's bassist and songwriter Cinnamon, an Irilitok Vargr female, to secretly distribute Pepper's hidden Library Data uploaded to the SysNet of each world. Pepper needs the Traveller-players of Red Wizard aid in further spreading the message of peace during an era of Frontier Wars and the later Rebellion. But such uploads can be illegal, heretical or treasonous to polities such as the Third Imperium or other states. Law Checks are the trigger for such propaganda uploads. How will each world react to insidious propaganda?

and thus we bypass the pit :) for those who may not know it, there are some real-world current examples of this, where games are being used to get info in/out of countries that may not want such info in or out.

And it does open up some cool game possibilities. Not only for a message of peace, but industrial espionage, spying, all sorts of fun things that will let you use your computer skills to figure out.

edit: hopefully my post does not cross any boundaries. I just thought it interesting that there are real world examples of this. Feel free to remove this as I do mention current real-world stuff. Just hopefully in a generic enough way.
I may have left out How To Play Red Wizard. Travellers playing the Realvision game work out the Referee's plot of the session like this:

To adventure in Red Wizard successfully...

CT, MT, MgT, et al:
2D + Computers or Gambling, 1 session (hours), retry allowed, requires Realvision console and interface tools, may be Uncertain [later Editions], natural 12 results in a Treasure, natural snakeyes results in a dismal defeat (by mobs, Villain, Backlash, trap, etc.) vs. 8+

3D < Intelligence + Computers or Gambling, 1 session (hours), retry allowed, requires Realvision console and interface tools, Cautious not allowed, Hasty allowed, Very Hasty not allowed, may be Uncertain (1D), three 6s Spectacular Failure, three 1s Spectacular Success


quest completion
Town event completion
defeat a Named Mob
defeat a low plot
thwart a Villain
defeat a Villain
discover a new zone
open a portal
find an artifact
find a relic
find a treasure (suited to profession or not)
solve a puzzle
progress towards Red Wizard status
upgrade the Town
settle an outpost a zone(s) removed from Town
help another circle of wizards
or other exciting Task
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Listed here are some sample Red Wizard players:

Provence Sector:

Ri Dzuerrgksungkorokoutue, male Logaksu Vargr age 48 Merchant 7 Captain-Owner

Ri portrays an Alchemist wizard. His Laboratory in Town is blasted with pixelated scorch marks from a recent Backlash that killed his avatar. Now back up and playing, Ri seeks to synthesize another Philosopher's Stone, the pinnacle of the Alchemist profession.

Uessae Noedhin, female Aekhu Vargr age 43 ex-Navy 6 First Officer and Veteran of Imperial Navy

Uessae Noedhin portrays a Godstriker profession. She is recently known in the Arena, the only place where user-players can engage in Player-versus-Player duels. Though she no longer needs it, Uessae's Godstriker wears the Vilani-coveted Amulet of the Dakhaseri.

Lidus Ka, female Vilani age 27 Merchant 2 Fourth Officer and Astrogator

Lidus Ka appears as the tinkering Artificer wizard. Her signature weapon is a multi-barrel Shardspitter loaded with Ri's alchemical shard ammunition. Prone to jamming at times of overheat, "Miss Ka" falls back on magical thrown grenades to vanquish foes.

Gvurrdon Sector:

Vun Nez Onorka Emissary Vondharrzoeg-gharskounakh, male Gvegh Vargr age 34 Emissary 4, Steward-Purser

Vond has chosen the Primal profession stereotypical of Vargr who enjoy Infighting in game. His role is a frontline combat wizard. His progression has been slow and he has been felled by a Backlash which hindered him even further. Yet the Emissary played Red Wizard through to the Virus Era.

Sazzghathvaeg, female Gvegh Vargr age 26 Loner 2 Captain-Owner

Sazz has taken the quick and easy but difficult to master path of the Profaner. One Backlash has costed her a magical staff, but by then she had already grown out of using it. Her avatar often appears with a diabolic Imp for a familiar. Her Darkbolts are her signature spell.

Spinward Marches Sector:

Baron Bradford Belterson, male Imperial Human age 38 Merchant Belter 4

Baron Belterson appears online as the Elementalist. Playing off and on since his youth, the Baron recently took up the Realvision platform and Red Wizard to play with his associates aboard Regina Highport.