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Regina radius, continent capitals and orbital distance


1: I'm trying to determine what the canon radius of Regina is. T5 Imperiallines doesn't mention the exact radius but the UWP is for a size 7 world, which would have a radius of 5632 km. DGP grand survey indicates a diameter of 11960 km which is 5980 km, but it also lists surface gravity at 0.93 g while Imperiallines indcates 0.88 g. There are some other things that are off between them, 26.4 hour rotation period vs 25h31m37s, or axial tilt of 22º vs 26º27'32", but for the time being I would like to know what the accepted canon radius is.

2: The travellerwiki says Regina has six primary cities, Credo, Kingsbury, Princeps, Corona, Regni, and Atora, each the capital of a continent and province.. Credo, Corona and Regini are all on the same continent according to the T5 Imperiallines map. Is that intentional or a mistake on the travellerwiki?

3: There are at least two and probably three orbital distances indicated for Regina. Book 6 Scouts has it at 55 Assiniboia radii, the T5 rule example and Imperiallines both indicate orbit Arr, which would be about 248 radii - significantly different.

Realistically the book 6 version would have Regina tide locked and the T5/Imperiallines version has Regina too distant to remain in Assiniboia orbit. DGP grand survey says Regina's orbital period around its gas giant is 160.08 days, which would be around 130 radii (more or less, depending on the exact mass of the gas giant).
1: I'm trying to determine what the canon radius of Regina is. T5 Imperiallines doesn't mention the exact radius but the UWP is for a size 7 world, which would have a radius of 5632 km.
Size 7 is just a rough classification and only means that the diameter is roughly 7 thousand miles (≈11200 km), not 6 or 8 thousand miles.
Size 7 is just a rough classification and only means that the diameter is roughly 7 thousand miles (≈11200 km), not 6 or 8 thousand miles.

It's backed up (almost) by the map having 35 equatorial hexes of 1000 km each, which would make for a radius of 5570 km. It would be 37 or 38 hexes if the DGP value for Regina's diameter were used. But I suppose the better question is, are there other sources where Regina's diameter or radius are specifically stated?
It's backed up (almost) by the map having 35 equatorial hexes of 1000 km each, ...
That is presumably just a standard map size for a size 7 world, see e.g. T5.09 p447.

But I suppose the better question is, are there other sources where Regina's diameter or radius are specifically stated?
Sorry, I have nothing specific to contribute. I can just warn you not to draw too specific conclusions from rough classification data.

To give a third opinion, GURPS Behind the Claw p81 says:
1910 Regina [Imperial Subsector Capital]
Starport: Class V. Naval and scout base.
Diameter: 6,526 miles (10,500 km). Atmosphere: Dense oxygen-nitrogen. Surface Water: 80%. Climate: Warm. Population: 734,000,000. Government: Impersonal bureaucracy (members of the Aledon House). Control Rating: 5. TL- 10.
Regina is a sizable moon circling the gas giant Assiniboia.
That is presumably just a standard map size for a size 7 world, see e.g. T5.09 p447.

Sorry, I have nothing specific to contribute. I can just warn you not to draw too specific conclusions from rough classification data.

There are a few specifics in Imperiallines, for example, that the Iuda volcano is 3500 km SW of Regini. The Behind the Claw radius for Regina would somewhat overshoot that:

A exact size 7 radius lines it up a bit better, but not perfectly:

(also, bearing is more like 234º than exactly SW, but that's close enough)

I'm also making the assumption that regina is a perfect sphere and not an oblate spheroid, but I've never seen spheroid information mentioned for regina ever.

Behind the Claw and Imperiallines also have an order of magnitude difference in population. :/