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Release Date?

Originally posted by McGig:
That is the multi-million dollar question.

So, when is the release date?
Not nearly as quickly as you guys seem to want ti. While Julie does right preaty fast (she evidently is handling the none crunchy parts because Dave asked her to, or something to that effect), she is geting ready to go on a book signing tour with John Ringo, for her first book to be published "Cally's War" so she is going to have to take break from working on this stuff. Since even using a laptop computer she cannot realy write while signing books now can she???

Originally posted by Fu:
It all depends on the size of the whip

Well that would get you into trouble, since I know the lady and she would take it wrong since you are not her husband!!

And to she enjoys comatition pistol shooting and is from Georgia!!!! :)
Althoug I would be able to ask you how it feels to be a fountain when you drink something afterwards!!

I just found out about the Honorverse setting coming out. Outstanding!!

I also just finished and advanced reader's copy of The Shadow of Saganami and I will be picking up my copy of the hardcover later today with luck!!

Love the books, love the people, love the setting. There isn't a SciFi series out there that does a better job of combining 'space opera' type scenes with harder SciFi issues and those just happen to be the most interesting aspects of SciFi gaming as well so YIPPEE!

But more importantly is there any site where they are discussion what is coming? And particularly when? Are they looking to have something out in 2005 or 2006 or... ?

('cause I want it NOW!)
Originally posted by Cethern:
I just found out about the Honorverse setting coming out. Outstanding!!

I also just finished and advanced reader's copy of The Shadow of Saganami and I will be picking up my copy of the hardcover later today with luck!!

Love the books, love the people, love the setting. There isn't a SciFi series out there that does a better job of combining 'space opera' type scenes with harder SciFi issues and those just happen to be the most interesting aspects of SciFi gaming as well so YIPPEE!

But more importantly is there any site where they are discussion what is coming? And particularly when? Are they looking to have something out in 2005 or 2006 or... ?

('cause I want it NOW!)
Well if I had to guess, I would place money on 2320AD and the Legacy of the Aldenata for 2005, and the Honor Herrington book for 2006, due to how far along all three products are in the development cycle. Although it is possible for Hunter to push the production cycle on the HH book up, but I would be suprised if it was completed and back from the printer before 2006.

Heck the artwork (and one chapter on the Legacy book) still needs to be done, before they can be sent off.

Actually, I want Harrington and Aldenata yesterday, but I'll pretend to have patience. If for no other reason than I prefer "right" to "soon".

On a tangent, is there an expect date for Cally's War yet? Ditto Shadow of Saganami (not having seen the latter in bookstores yet)?
Originally posted by Ben W Bell:
The Shadow of Saganami came out on Tuesday, Cally's War came out on the 1st of October.
Thanks; picked up the ebook of both of 'em. Will try to get the DTEs this weekend.