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When I first heard about the possibility of an RPG in the Harrington universe, I didn't think that it could be very exciting. They are great novels, but playing military can get old real fast, especially with the gaming group I currently hang out with.

Ah, but then I read about the Audoban Ballroom folks and their fun and games.

Shall we dance?

I now really want to see this come to fruition.

My favorite personal Original Traveller character is a "lost world" ex-cop (joined off-world free traders when her world was rediscovered) turned Earth Liberation/anti-Vilani terrorist.

Not quite as good as the Audubon Ballroom, but rather fun anyway.
The Audubon Ballroom is an Anti-slavery Terrorist Organization consisting of escaped slaves.

In the Honorverse, slavery is based on genetic modification.

The planet Mesa, which is run by a collection of corporations, is the main supplier of genetically-modified slaves.

The main culprit is Manpower, Inc... which creates slaves for specific jobs by genetic manipulation and by behavioral programming (including torture & rape) "to instill correct attitudes and behaviors".

Most star nations are signatories of the "Cherwell Convention", which outlaws genetic slavery, but few really enforce the provisions.

The two main protagonist nations in the series, the People's Republic of Haven and The Star Kingdom of Manticore, despite being at war, do vigorously enforce it... to the point of applying the death penalty.

Manticore's Navy applies it even to the crews of ships "fitted with equipment for the slave trade"... whether there are slaves present or not!

Genetic slaves are tattood on their tongue with their type code... so the common greeting among slaves is to extend their tongue to show their coding.

The Ballroom has the nasty habit, when they have located someone involved in genetic slavery in any way, of sticking out their tongue at the offender, asking "Shall we Dance?", then killing the slime-ball!
Don't forget to get the 4 short story collections: More Than Honor, Worlds of Honor, Worlds of Honor #3 Changer of Worlds, & Worlds of Honor #4 The Service of the Sword. (There is no WOH #2... I don't know why).

Most of these stories simply add background to the setting/history (most especially about treecats!), and a few are unrelated to the novels, but reading "From the Highlands" in WOH#3 is absolutely essential before reading War of Honor, Crown of Slaves, Shadow of Saganami, or At All Costs.

Also read Queen's Gambit in WOH and Promised Land in WOH#4. These are less vital, but help greatly.

Without them, you will not understand some of what is going on, who some people really are, or just why (deep down) people are doing what they are doing.
Let's Go To Prague and A Ship Named Francis

I listen to the audio version of these two stories at least a couple of time every month. Both are more than enough to pull my thoughts away from whatever is occupying them to less stressful and humorous vein.