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Retro/habitable Venus type world




Starport Type D (poor quality)
Size 8 (12,800 km diameter)
Atmosphere 8 (dense)
Hydrographics 8 (85% surface water)
Population 5(100k+)
Government 1(company/corporate)
Law Level 3 (no heavy weapons)
Tech Level 6(mid-20th Century)

Ventilation Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Company of Kline
VRACCK effectively governs the planet, with a monopoly on air conditioners and 51% shares in the starport.

VRACCK security men wear jungle boots, olive drab tank tops and cargo shorts. They carry submachineguns and short staves (civil duty) or blades (jungle duty), with flak issued for combat drills and riot response but otherwise not worn in Kline’s high humidity and heat.

Technology notes
vehicles: security force PBRs, ATVs, helicopters, waterplanes, houseboats, dredging craft, barges, etc.
fuel: biomass/wood-gas, soft coal, graphite
laminated pressed wood products

ambrite, hydrocarbon deposits, mudbugs (may be processed into tasty meal-paste)

Human colonies clustered in north polar region, where climate is more suitable for Humaniti and an archipelago provides solid ground for building.

Flora and fauna
Native life somewhat resembles that of Terra during the early Carboniferous period.

The UWP is based on the 1900s scientific speculation about Venus book chapter somebody shared some time back.

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Here's the material timerover51 shared in the thread that got me started, taken from a public domain source on Project Gutenberg:

Very different conditions obtain on our neighbour planet, which is closer both to the Sun and to ourselves, the radiant Venus, an object of interested human attention already in ancient times. The average temperature there is calculated to about 47° C. (116.6° F.) assuming the sun constant to two calories per cubic centimeter (.061 cu. in.) per minute. The humidity is probably about six times the average of that on the Earth, or three times that in Congo where the average temperature is 26° C. (78.8° F). The atmosphere of Venus holds about as much water vapour 5 km. (3.1 miles) above the surface as does the atmosphere of the Earth at the surface. We must therefore conclude that everything on Venus is dripping wet. The rainstorms on the other hand do not necessarily bring greater precipitation than with us. The cloud-formation is enormous and dense rainclouds travel as high up as 10 km. (6.2 miles). The heat from the Sun does not attack the ground but the dense clouds, causing a powerful external circulation of air which carries the vapour to higher strata where it condenses into new clouds. Thus, an effective barrier is formed against horizontal air currents in the great expanses below. At the surface of Venus, therefore, there exists a complete absence of wind both vertically, as the Sun’s radiation is absorbed by the ever present clouds above, and horizontally due to friction. Disintegration takes place with enormous rapidity, probably about eight times as fast as on the Earth, and the violent rains carry the products speedily downhill where they fill the valleys and the oceans in front of all river mouths.

A very great part of the surface of Venus is no doubt covered with swamps, corresponding to those on the Earth in which the coal deposits were formed, except that they are about 30° C. (54° F.) warmer. No dust is lifted high into the air to lend it a distinct colour; Only the dazzling white reflex from the clouds reaches the outside space and gives the planet its remarkable, brilliantly white, lustre. The powerful air currents in the highest strata of the atmosphere equalize the temperature difference between poles and equator almost completely so that a uniform climate exists all over the planet analogous to conditions on the Earth during its hottest periods.

The temperature on Venus is not so high as to prevent a luxuriant vegetation. The constantly uniform climatic conditions which exist everywhere result in an entire absence of adaptation to changing exterior conditions. Only low forms of life are therefore represented, mostly no doubt belonging to the vegetable kingdom; and the organisms are nearly of the same kind all over the planet. The vegetative processes are greatly accelerated by the high temperature. Therefore, the lifetime of the organisms is probably short. Their dead bodies, decaying rapidly, if lying in the open air, fill it with stifling gases; if embedded in the slime carried down by the rivers, they speedily turn into small lumps of coal, which, later, under the pressure of new layers combined with high temperature, become particles of graphite. Fossils proper are not formed as was also the case in the early periods of the Earth.

The temperature at the poles of Venus is probably somewhat lower, perhaps about 10° C. (18° F.) than the average temperature on the planet. The organisms there should have developed into higher forms than elsewhere, and progress and culture, if we may so express it, will gradually spread from the poles toward the equator. Later, the temperature will sink, the dense clouds and the gloom disperse, and some time, perhaps not before life on the Earth has reverted to its simpler forms or has even become extinct, a flora and a fauna will appear, similar in kind to those that now delight our human eye, and Venus will then indeed be the “Heavenly Queen” of Babylonian fame, not because of her radiant lustre alone, but as the dwelling place of the highest beings in our solar system.

from The Destinies of the Stars
by Svante Arrhenius

And thank you, timerover51.