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Traveller Card Game Dev Team
Hey everyone,

I'm working on a Traveller screenplay, just for fun. Currently I am setting it the story on Ruie, in 1107, just before the FFW.

The first episode will have the characters shipping luxury goods to an official of one of the pro-imperial governments, where they get caught up in a Zhodani backed coup and the start of the Fifth Frontier War.

I was wondering if anyone could point me to a good source for the situation on Ruie at that time.

Thanks for the reply, but unfortunately the polities listed seem to be on an interstellar level, whereas I'm looking for information (or just a list, really) on the world governments on Ruie.

I promise I did check the wiki before posting. Not trying to replace Google with you guys, just wondering if perhaps it was mentioned in a JTAS article or something similar.
Try this link to Rescue on Ruie:

Ruie is basically designed to be like present-day Earth. There are "about 150 nations", with 4 major states. There's a world map, which helps a lot, and here's a related table:

Countries with a population of at least 100 million.
StaralkaX1200Republic55south Garan
KayarluC950Monarchy86northwest Garan
NebelthornC900Oligarchy76east Garan
Comors UnionC650Confederation77Comors
JingarluC350Republic77west Garan
ChanossG350Bureaucracy66southwest Garan
SwemetX250Dictatorship85Comors north island
LirugaH250Charismatic Leader55north-central Garan
ShowajX200Democracy46northwest Garan
RukajanX150Bureaucracy85northwest Garan
OrissaliG120Oligarchy76Cammet Island
SaetonX100Theocracy95south-central Garan
Port: Starport or Spaceport quality.
Pop: Population, in millions of people.
LL: Law level.
TL: Technological level.
EAGLESTONE R 2010, "Rescue on Ruie", Mongoose Living Traveller, Mongoose Publishing, Swindon, UK, p 6.
Not much is referenced in The Traveller Book per se, it does mention that Ruie isn't Imperial. Module 3 Spinward Marches indicates that Ruie is settled around the same time as Regina, and in 235, was approached to join the imperium, which it declined. That makes Ruie an independent world that has retained its independence for over 875 years!
Part of why the duration of independence surprises me is based on the "character" of the Third Imperium as happened during the Julian Protectirate wars, and the constant expansion - yet one world remains independent despite its proximity to the subsector's capital. Velly intellesting
It could have been a protectorate for a while, but when Arden was DMZ'd, the Imperium was forced to give it up.

Also, don't forget the internal political angle. For some reason, the Dukes of Regina have decided against having fully integrating it into the Imperium (too expensive, would take the focus off the Evil Psis, would unify the neutral and anti-Imperial factions on world, etc.)
Part of why the duration of independence surprises me is based on the "character" of the Third Imperium as happened during the Julian Protectirate wars, and the constant expansion - yet one world remains independent despite its proximity to the subsector's capital. Velly intellesting
The Causus Belli of the Julian Campaign was that the region was formerly a part of the Ziru Sirka, and it was the stated intention of the Third Imperium in its early history to incorporate all former districts of the First and Second Imperiums into the Third. The Spinward Marches, on the other hand, had never been an official part of any of the prior empires.

By the time Ruie was approached for membership, the Julian Campaign had ended in failure, curbing the Imperium's more aggressive expansionist tendencies. The Imperium's settlement strategy of the Marches at that time was more of a 'hub and spoke' pattern as well, with emphasis still on promoting the hubs of Regina, Mora and Lunion before infilling spokes like Ruie, Hefry and Efate. They were also likely cognizant of the fact that each world added to spinward brought them closer into contact with the Zhodani, which might have caused them to place an extra premium worlds who's loyalty was presumed proven by willingly -- or, even better, enthusiastically -- acceding to membership.
The original poster's intent to write a story should prove interesting in light of previous history and the general vibe given off in both POCKET EMPIRES and much of the milieu zero series T4 books. I wish him well.