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Sample Galaxiad Introduction

The Pakkrat

SOC-14 1K
Admin Award
Live via SysNet, satellite and OptiNet, this is the Pakkrat.

Tomorrow's news today, this is SysNet News!


Pakkrat Industries presents Traveller5.10: The Holoi Hajj, a Galaxiad Wafer Edutainment series set in the Golden Age of Charted Space in our Milky Way Galaxy. Your Anchor is the Pakkrat or you can call him Pakk if you like. Please double-check your Wafer is of the correct Genetic sequencing and is seated properly for maximum contact and connection.

Pakkrat Industries thanks you for purchasing The Holoi Hajj campaign Identity Presence, the Wafer you have slotted. If at any time you wish to pause or cease the Wafer Edutainment, simply unjack the Wafer and take a few minutes to recover from the story presented. You may continue by reconnecting the Wafer and enjoying the presentation.

Your Anchor is the Pakkrat who will be guiding you through an Identity Presence generation suitable for Traveller5.10: The Holoi Hajj. If you wish to know more about your Anchor, simply gesture to the bottom right icon in your viewsphere. Pakkrat will be both your IP Handler, the Referee and Storyteller for The Holoi Hajj via use of the recently updated Traveller5.10 system.

The Holoi Hajj takes place on a backwater world-system that will challenge the Tribals who set out from their oasis home on a dangerous quest. Sanctioned by the Tribal elders and priests, the journey is deemed a holy one, a hajj and the future of the Tribe will depend on the pilgrims. If you wish to know more about Mainworld Holoi, simply gesture to the icon second from the bottom right in your viewsphere.

In Traveller5.10: The Holoi Hajj, you are one of the trained, select few who will make the hajj to the only planetary Downport to claim a starship purchased by your Tribe who have worked long and hard, scraping together every credit possible to gather Ship Shares for the vessel's commission. The actual tonnage, hull and Mission of the starship is dependent on your IP generation and aided by the Tribe. Later, at the Downport you will be presented with options to select further options to optimize your experience in Starship Operations and Starship Economy. If you wish to learn more about Starship Operations and Economy, simply gesture to the third bottom icon on the lower right of your viewsphere.

Act I of The Holoi Hajj presents the beginning of the quest and journey across the planetary surface of Mainworld Holoi and the challenges to be surmounted. It will take a balance of IP generation Characteristics and Skills to survive the intense climate and environment on this large planet. If you wish to learn more about IP generation or to view your generated Identity Presence, simply gesture at the fourth icon from the bottom lower right of your viewsphere. Remember that your IP is a simulated life you the User have generated. At no time are you truly endangered here in M1900. Should your Identity Presence become terminated or injured beyond continuance, you may pick up where you last left off by generating a new Identity Presence drawn from the caravan members also making the hajj across Holoi. If at any time you become mentally fatigued, lose clarity (suffer SAN damage), please unjack an seek immediate Counselor assistance. Traveller5.10: The Holoi Hajj is rated PG-13 with some leeway in content based on fellow Edutainment Users' actions and attitudes that cannot be predicted, merely agreed upon. If you find the story to be unsettling or offensive, please gesture to the large X icon in the lower left of your viewsphere or unjack immediately and seek out a Galaxiad Representative. You will still be able to continue at a later time and can readily speak to Anchor Pakkrat in-world or over the Discord channel.

For full immersion in Traveller5.10: The Holoi Hajj, Users can full-swipe gesture to the right or left across their viewsphere to hide all icons and fully immerse in the story. Reversing the gesture returns the icons to view. If you want to learn more about the Galaxiad Wafer Series, please see a Galaxiad Representative at www.wiki.travellerrpg.com/

Safety regulations require that your Wafer automatically pause the story for your Identity Presence should your Real Life body become Sleepy or Tired. Galaxiad Wafer Edutainments want all Users to be refreshed and attentive to their participation in Traveller5.10: The Holoi Hajj. Additionally, jacking in under the influence of substances such as alcohol, drugs (prescribed or recreational) has been proven in studies to reduce connectivity and enjoyment of the story. In the Owner's Manual of this Wafer Edutainment are files on the effects of these negative behaviors that can impose on your enjoyment and the enjoyment of other Users. Please immerse responsibly.

Remember that Identity Presence generation takes time and processing power. Please immerse yourself in the role you have generated with story goals in mind. Reckless portrayals or hajj dissension can result in de-resolution of the IP and a discontinuance of the story for the reckless User. Traveller5.10: The Holoi Hajj is a cooperative play campaign and it is hoped that camaraderie and group cohesion will further the enjoyment of Acts I, II and III.

Users can collectively alter the Simulation-Narrative spectrum by coming together and involving the Anchor Pakkrat in finding the right enjoyment selection. If you wish to learn more about the Simulation-Narration spectrum, please consult the User's Manual files on the Traveller5.10 EPIC system. Remember the OARN suffix, Only As Really Necessary.

If the Users are ready to generate an Identity Presence for Traveller5.10: The Holoi Hajj, simply gesture a wave at your Anchor Pakkrat. We at Galaxiad hope you enjoy the story!
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Good call. It's all mental of course, the User thinking of the actions that do not actually take place on the User's Real Life body. The User simply thinks, wipe all icons from view or return all icons, but that could be advanced User techniques where new Users may require some form of mnemonic gesture to acclimate to Wafer actions while under the simulation.