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Searching for an Artist


SOC-14 1K
Someone sent me a picture of a droyne via an anonymous remailer service, with a specifically undeliverable return address. I would like to use this picture as the cover of the September/October issue, but I would prefer to know that I'm not violating someone's reserved rights. A reverse image search didn't find a match (though it apparently recognized it as a Droyne, because it suggested a lot of droyne images).

Can anyone identify the artist and provide contact information?

Sadly, Bryan Gibson passed away more than 10 years ago and his deviantart page has been deactivated.

You may want to contact one of the still-active(?) companies he was working with (Spica Publishing comes to mind). ISTR he also did work with Mongoose. They might have contact information regarding his estate.
Sadly, Bryan Gibson passed away more than 10 years ago and his deviantart page has been deactivated.

You may want to contact one of the still-active(?) companies he was working with (Spica Publishing comes to mind). ISTR he also did work with Mongoose. They might have contact information regarding his estate.
Thank you. I wish I knew who sent me this; if it was someone entitled to, I would thank them for the tribute; if it was not, I would admonish them for disrespecting an Absent Friend.
Beyond that, if someone could point me to an image of a Droyne that I can legitimately use as the cover for the next issue, I'd be appreciative.
The only Droyne art online that I could find that was not either Bryan Gibson's or from an official Traveller product:
a.) This lone 3D model on deviantart: https://www.deviantart.com/the-dodger/art/Droyne-800054603
b.) This person's portfolio on a furry site(!), but seems all SFW:

Some nice sketches of Droyne and this one of a Droyne scout ship which would make a good cover in its own right:

May be worth contacting them.
... I recognize that 'signature' glyph from somewhere... But from the FA site, there's no contact info, just a link to xes site at imverod.com, which doesn't have any addresses or other contact method.

I should note that I find many of these artist community sites to be annoying; you can't comment or send messages unless you're a member of the site - and most of them seem to have terms of service that essentially require you to be an artist. If I can publicly view the art, I should be able to contact the artist through the site to e.g., request licensing terms or to commission works.