I ranted at my players today over their urge to do luggage search.
If you can bend gravity to your will and create an alternate universe that moves you 6 parsecs in a week....I think breaking down any objects elemental chemical compounds at sub-molecular level is childs play. At that level only something so dense (unobtanium or some such technobabble) would stop a scanner from puncturing the molecular wall of anything and seeing inside anything.
TL 12-15 starships are going to be loaded to the gills with magic devices we can't comprehend. So the reason everything appears so placid pre-60's laid back is because the security is so non-pervasive everyone forgets it exists. That's why lower tech worlds are so dangerous, the invisible security of high tech Imperium isn't there but it's so invisible you forget that and run into thugs instead of their meeting battle dress types quietly and behind the scenes as possible.
I should have figured this out long ago too.
Which then reminded me.......
It's also probably why I hated the Strephon assassination so much. Dulinor could easily carry gun in but be dead from gauss needles and plasma/fusion guns of Imperial Guards less than a second later and ultra-tech medicine would stabilize Strephon in seconds, even a double. I never did figure out how he got to take a seat on the Iridium Throne as he should have been charcoal.
If you can bend gravity to your will and create an alternate universe that moves you 6 parsecs in a week....I think breaking down any objects elemental chemical compounds at sub-molecular level is childs play. At that level only something so dense (unobtanium or some such technobabble) would stop a scanner from puncturing the molecular wall of anything and seeing inside anything.
TL 12-15 starships are going to be loaded to the gills with magic devices we can't comprehend. So the reason everything appears so placid pre-60's laid back is because the security is so non-pervasive everyone forgets it exists. That's why lower tech worlds are so dangerous, the invisible security of high tech Imperium isn't there but it's so invisible you forget that and run into thugs instead of their meeting battle dress types quietly and behind the scenes as possible.
I should have figured this out long ago too.
Which then reminded me.......
It's also probably why I hated the Strephon assassination so much. Dulinor could easily carry gun in but be dead from gauss needles and plasma/fusion guns of Imperial Guards less than a second later and ultra-tech medicine would stabilize Strephon in seconds, even a double. I never did figure out how he got to take a seat on the Iridium Throne as he should have been charcoal.