Hi Speeders !
I strongly would recommend to stay away from going that fast in space
You might know, that I do not like the energy generating acceleration stuff anyway
The dust concentration is a highly random thing. In real life we know about particle distributions by a just couple of satellites analysing impacting materials.
The numbers I have say, that there are 10E-20 kg dust per m3, with a max particle size of 10E-7 to 10E-9 kg.
So, thats only the particle distribution in earths orbit.
Straybow, any more numbers out there ?
There is no doubt, that there may be more or less dust in space depending on the location.
Ok, at least in Traveller we may have survey data dealing with those concentrations. Perhaps IISS has set up "save speed" limits
But, these may still be statistical distributions causing the high velocity trip to be lottery.
What would make me nervous anyway is the inability to maneuver / make course corrections.
IMHO the value of typical ships armour is rather useless against hyper speed micro particles, because of the unpleasant surface energy density.
Its just like a bullet proof vest, which looses efficiency againt low radius pointed projectiles.
Another effect of impacting particles will be a pretty range of X-rays...
Regarding dampers: Didnt MT ruleset tell something about controlled decay on lower rates, rendering fission warheads useless over time ?
Well, at least it all depends on the amount of dust in your way. Thats a kind of undefined variable. So - "clean the path" methods as presented by Lionel would be a great idea.
If there is nothing in flight path - let it go.
If you have no data - good luck
And back to Alacritys very basic question:
If got a set of excel charts doing this work.
But as I know Kaladorn, he is already putting together a web based travel time calculator.
Anyway, its a matter of an hour to put that together in VB (bad?), VB.Net(worse) or Java(ok?).
Best regards,