The vehicle design system relates more closely to MegaTrav than CT, for obvious reasons. You've got that hit point thing going on, for example, and the MegaTrav attenuation bit which replaces Striker's effective/long/extreme range stats, and the damage point bit. However, MegaTrav is a modified Striker, so de-modifying it to work with Striker is pretty straightforward. I recall that it did some weirdness with autofire bonuses for certain weapons, but that's not insurmountable. All-in-all I liked the potential for greatly expanding Striker's/MegaTrav's design potential, especially with a selection of ready-made missiles and a nice array of free-fall ordnance.
Combat rules I couldn't speak to, having never played them. I don't see any reason you couldn't just use whatever combat rules you were comfortable with, with perhaps some tweaks to account for some of the special weapon requirements.
There are some nice ready-made craft, but MegaTrav products are infamous for errata. If you're porting into CT, take them as a useful given and forget whether they're right or wrong. You'll need to calculate maneuver points if you're using Striker combat, but that's fairly simple.