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Sell T5 to me.


I'm posting this cause I haven't gotten the first version of T5 nor the latest version. I was curious as to folks arguments on getting it. I've browsed a pdf version of T5.

I have the CT, MgT, MgT 2e, T4, TNE, Gurps Traveller, and T20 rulebooks. In the case of GURPS the GT book and the main GURPS books. I also have various source material for all those systems as well as MT including the DGP stuff like Vilani and Vargr. I'm a HUGE fan of "source material"

I'm aware of the huge size of the T5 books and comments like you "don't use most of it" and I've heard that Marc doesn't use most of the ruleset. After browsing the pdf, I'm not convinced at all, that it's worth getting. The charts seem overwhelming. Plus I'm aware of the errata issues.

I'm happy with MgT 2e and don't really see the need to get another ruleset. So in a polite "way" I'm asking for convincing arguments (polite please) as to why I should get T5. I'd really love to see a "paired down" version.
I was curious as to folks arguments on getting it.
Disclaimer, I don't have it myself.

That said.

You can get it to be completionist with your current collection (I mean, honestly, why stop now).

There's a bunch of systems in place that you could gold pan for nuggets if that suits you.

Also, the books multi task for flower pressing. So not only are they a multi-tool of Sci Fi RPG systems, they themselves can multi-task as well. They also should make fine bookends.

They also go deeper in to systems than any of the others. All of the other Travellers, are, by todays standards, "low-tech". T5 pushes the tech way out which can grandly expand your gameplay.

The problem there, however, is were you to do that it most likely would feel very "un-traveller" like. It's not that the system are setting breaking, it's just that, like the time before locomotives when everyone traveled by horse and buggy, the new tech can dramatically change the way your universe feels. There's not much difference between a J1-J2 drive and a J6 drive. But the new drives? Whoo boy -- Corvette Summer, here we come.

So, that's, truly, the distinguishing feature of T5 -- how expansive it has become (for good and ill, warts and all) over the same, tired, rehashing of the same 40+ yr old LBBs and their galactic view.

If I can get my Pooh brain to wrap around the future world of Leap drives and memory wafers, I'd pick it up. (I should probably read the book.) But I'm still old school LBB "shotguns in space" and TNE "uh oh, we're out of fuel again" conservative about it.
T5.10 is yet another sci-fi RPG. It includes rules for making your own game setting. The books use a lot of buzzwords and jargon from Traveller, but you don't need Traveller or any 3rd-Imperium books to understand this game.

I had the PDF of the game already. But since I'm a completest, I recently used some of the money I got from Marc for doing space art for him to buy the hardcover edition.

I'm using some of the rules from T5.10 to power my Traveller emulator I use for my game sessions. I can't wait for the Player's Guide.
The thing is, it doesn't "break" the game universe if you don't want it to. The new ultra-high tech is exactly that: ultra-high tech. Play T5.x in the era and tech of the previously published background and it fits comfortably. Plus, it provides consistent rulesets for ultra-tech Darrian or Ancient artifacts you'd have otherwise have had to house-rule.

It's only when you roll forward several hundred years past the previously-published background that the Traveller universe we've gotten used to gets disrupted beyond recognition by the new tech.
It's only when you roll forward several hundred years past the previously-published background that the Traveller universe we've gotten used to gets disrupted beyond recognition by the new tech.

I certainly wasn't suggesting mixed "regular" and "ultra-hi" tech galaxy. I was simply pointing out that the future galaxy would be quite different due to tech to as potentially be "unrecognizable" from someone from the Imperium's time.

And it's compelling to look at T5 as an arbiter of that, whereas all of the other versions are pretty much capped at TL-15.
I have stated before and will state again: T5.x is the best world-building sci-fi ruleset I have come across. You can make ANYTHING in T5. I do agree that some of the super low tech or super high tech extremes stuff gets ridiculous, but in the standard (sci-fi) tech range T5 is a comprehensive and exhaustive tool kit.

I have populated the near-earth sector with my own planets and governments. I have created five distinct intelligent species and a dozen unique subsector-spanning federations. Each federations with its own set of strike craft, corvettes, frigates, cruisers, carries, ect.. And there is more details I could apply, but I have chosen not to because my player base is unlikely to dig deeper. But if they do, I can find the relevant section in this rule book and generate it (if I don't just come up with something myself).

I have managed to satisfy all player types with T5. Rules lawyers? Yep, everything can be done by the book. Power gamers? hand them the gun, armor, and thing makers and let them customize EVERYTHING. Players that complain about how you call the things they want to do 'impossible'? Good news! 'Impossible means roll 7 dice!.

But my favorite part of T5 is the character creator. In no other system have I had players of all the above types decide that they want to play 'the person they rolled up', even if they are completely different from the concept they had going in. You really end up feeling like the character sheets show a record of a person that existed prior to the start of the game, as opposed to a finely crafted manifestation of what the player wanted to play.

Anyway, that ramble about sums it up. let me knwo if you have any questions.
I'm posting this cause I haven't gotten the first version of T5 nor the latest version. I was curious as to folks arguments on getting it. I've browsed a pdf version of T5.

I'm asking for convincing arguments (polite please) as to why I should get T5. I'd really love to see a "paired down" version.

I will preface my remarks by saying that I participated in the Kickstarter, and have the rule set in both the 3 Big Black Books hardcopy, and PDF format. I also had purchased T5.09 in PDF format after perusing a friend's hard copy of T5 initial rule set.

The basic reason for getting the rule set, preferably in PDF format, or hard copy if you prefer that (I find hard copy a bit easier on my older eyes), is that it is Marc's "magnum opus" with respect to Traveller. I doubt if we will see another major rule set. That was my reason for getting it.

Against that, it is quite long, and has a fair number of problems with errata. It is also not cheap in hard copy format. It has a lot of material that you might not use. That is why I would recommend the PDF format, as then you copy those sections that you will likely use, paste them into another format, and basically build your customized set of rules. That does take time. Some people have the time, some do not.

If you need someone to "sell" you on the rule set, then my personal view is that you should not get it. That indicates to me that you really do not see a need for it.
I think, as reference, when 5.11 comes out (if) and they correct many of the glaring errata from 5, 5.09, 5.10 etc it could be very good.

As it is I could not recommend it, I think the errata will drive you nuts, and the verbose style, endless repetition (which sometimes is contradictory :) ) really takes the edge off an otherwise inspired attempt at creating a unified Traveller mechanism to do just about anything.

I still like it, but the impression I get, is that Marc has moved on.

And I am currently running a T5.10 campaign.


I will never use the character generation or skills/tasks. I have yet to find a way to make the combat system work without house ruling stuff.

It lacks the generic nature of original CT or TNE/FF&S and is tied into the universe of the OTU/3I+

Those are the negatives I have against it.

The positives far outweigh these - the makers, the sophonts design rules, the world building, the technology, the synthetics, the wafer tech (ok I said they were tied to the OTU but it's pretty easy to extrapolate or adapt) and so much more.

If you want to play in the OTU or the MgT ATU version of the 3I I would recommend T5, I am very happy with it.
I am a TRAVELLER god! :)

I love it for its super crunchiness!

It has everything bound into one complete rules set. No Supplements or Adventures to skim no extra books to get, just the one set.

Me, I helped with those sections I personally adore CharGen and Starships with a smidge of SysGen. And woo-boy are they fun. Add to that all the groovy Makers including my personal fave Sophont Maker which can get you basic altered humans to alien humaniods to completely non-human aliens with odd morphologies.

If you dig making stuff for your games then this is the rule set for you. Plus now in T5.10 there's that handy index. :)

I dig it but I ma biased I helped get it made. :coffeesip:

Either way hope this helps.
If you need someone to "sell" you on the rule set, then my personal view is that you should not get it. That indicates to me that you really do not see a need for it.

Right, I'm strongly leaning towards *not* getting it. But I'd certainly get some of the supplements if Marc puts them out with new "*fluff*.

Thanks to everyone who replied.
I'm happy with MgT 2e and don't really see the need to get another ruleset.

Then by all means, stick with that.

So in a polite "way" I'm asking for convincing arguments (polite please) as to why I should get T5.

I can only think of one reason -- the tools in T5 are useful resources for Mongoose Traveller... if you're a referee. Otherwise, no.

I'd really love to see a "paired down" version.

Starter Traveller5 is coming.
I'm posting this cause I haven't gotten the first version of T5 nor the latest version. I was curious as to folks arguments on getting it. I've browsed a pdf version of T5...

I'm happy with MgT 2e and don't really see the need to get another ruleset. So in a polite "way" I'm asking for convincing arguments (polite please) as to why I should get T5. I'd really love to see a "paired down" version.

It seems there's a slew of comments recommending it so far. I reckon that Mike's were quite complete on the plus side:

The positives far outweigh these - the makers, the sophonts design rules, the world building, the technology, the synthetics, the wafer tech (ok I said they were tied to the OTU but it's pretty easy to extrapolate or adapt) and so much more.

If you want to play in the OTU or the MgT ATU version of the 3I I would recommend T5, I am very happy with it.

I don't think it's unreasonable to dislike sections of this set - it is pretty enormous. The elements that Mike mentioned above aren't contained anywhere else.

If you love playing Traveller, these extras are fantastic - they'll really complement MgT IMO. I've run a campaign just with 5.09, and while there were tweaks needed and a few house mods, it was still very usable. If you prefer playing with MgT then more power to you, but T5.10 is still an awesome set and can only enhance your Traveller games, whatever version you prefer.
Hello all. Been a member for a while, but not a poster. However, I’ve been wrestling with this very question. Part of me agrees with the sentiment that if one needs convincing or “sold” on buying something, it isn’t for them. On the other hand, or at least for me, I take interest in these types of conversations because I am truly in the fence and hearing opinions on what has pushed people to buy (or not buy) the item in question is helpful.

One comment intrigued me, however:
I still like it, but the impression I get, is that Marc has moved on.

I probably have been living under a rock, but I don’t understand the context of this statement.
One comment intrigued me, however:

I probably have been living under a rock, but I don’t understand the context of this statement.

Yeah I'm interested in this, as well.

Is the starter set supposed to be a single book? I hope all the errata is worked out in the Core set too.
My personal thoughts...

As I understand it, Mark has been looking at novels, films, and has had health issues.

There is no errata for 5.10 other than that identified here. Certainly no official errata I know of.

Many corrections from 5.09 never made it (for various reasons).

5.10 is wincingly verbose and repetitive. The edition seems to me to be a hastily thrown together rough draft rather than a final product. This is especially hard to understand after 5.09 and all the gazillion pages of errata and comment provided.

Many of the design rules are broken, and the examples and equipment list do not match the design rules.

We have had 5.0, 5.09 and now 5.10

It is what, 2 years since 5.10 was released? ( I am losing track of time here :) )

Taken all of the above together, on balance, I think that Mark lacks the interest to see this fixed up. To be clear of course he is under no such obligation. And it is still a fascinating Traveller synthesis in only 3 volumes ( :) ).

5.10 seems to me more the product of a person disinterested but pestered to produce an updated 5.09 than the masterful completion of a great work.

I still like it but my players didn't and we eventually went back to MGT1.1

I am certainly no longer optimistic of Mark completing this. I have a slight hope that fans might put together something.

regards all.
Timerover said:
If you need someone to "sell" you on the rule set, then my personal view is that you should not get it. That indicates to me that you really do not see a need for it.

Also, selling sometimes means "change my mind", and the only result of that is frustration.
Depends on what you want to take from it.

If we take the Lucas analogy, it might be fixing something that didn't need it.

I can empathize, as when I tried doing a Warhammer Nippon Army Book based on Shogun Tooed, I reversed engineered every other army, established the values of everything and their modifications, and set that up as a separate project, and used those values as the basis for the Nipponese characters and troop types.

The primary problem I identify with Tee Five is that it's not user friendly.