To expand the discussion in my thread on RADAR, what are your thoughts on the actual technology (real or imagined) behind the various sensor types?
Deep System Scans - Telescopic Viewing, IR, UV etc.?
Gravitational Scan - Pulsar Timing Waves? Some development of Interferometry? Handwavium with a Weber Bar?
Radar/Lidar - obvious but to what intensity, what range? Biostatic/passive and Monostatic/Active.. maybe even Mutistatic effects with more than one ship working together?
Cartographic Sensors-Telescopic photography? An upgraded photogrammetry process? Radar Ranging? Some special penetrating radiation that can be used to interpret soil contents, water etc.?
Life Sensors - IR sensors? Analyte detection using some sort of tranducer that inteprets the interaction of the detection agent (radiation of some sort) and the object?
2300AD is close enough to our tech that using a sci-fi abstract term like "Life Sensors" just doesnt seem enough. My players ask almost immediately - "My character has Sensor 2, so ... how do the life sensors work?"
Deep System Scans - Telescopic Viewing, IR, UV etc.?
Gravitational Scan - Pulsar Timing Waves? Some development of Interferometry? Handwavium with a Weber Bar?
Radar/Lidar - obvious but to what intensity, what range? Biostatic/passive and Monostatic/Active.. maybe even Mutistatic effects with more than one ship working together?
Cartographic Sensors-Telescopic photography? An upgraded photogrammetry process? Radar Ranging? Some special penetrating radiation that can be used to interpret soil contents, water etc.?
Life Sensors - IR sensors? Analyte detection using some sort of tranducer that inteprets the interaction of the detection agent (radiation of some sort) and the object?
2300AD is close enough to our tech that using a sci-fi abstract term like "Life Sensors" just doesnt seem enough. My players ask almost immediately - "My character has Sensor 2, so ... how do the life sensors work?"