OK, now that all fine and good, except the dimensions given in 'Merchants and Merchandise' are different. Of course they are!
They are 32.24m long, 9.5m wide, and 5.4m high. So I did that one as well.

Now I should say that I think that both the "S and A" and "M and M" Serpents are small. Both are about 100 squares per deck but they are not 3m high as would be normal, they are 2.7m high according to the color text. oops.
Then there is Scout SX, the Wind class. In S and A there are no numbers just a mention. In M and M there are dimensions and a description of
how the they are made. They put in a 50 DTonn steight piece of hull just aft of the airlock and in front of the wing root. So the dimensions of the SX are; 43m long, 9.5m wide, and 5.4m high. In that they Jump 3, and more staterooms. And run over the 150 Dtonns of hull they defined. Opps again.
I have drawn 3 versions of the SX, One with expanded Jump, one with the extra staterooms, and finally a 166 Dtonn version with all of the goodies
(47m long).