Hovering under contragravity, the shield-bot precedes, trails, or flanks its human user as directed. A built-in fiberoptic periscope and camera with holographic display (across the inner face of the shield) lets the user peep around corners while crouching behind the shieldbot’s frontal armor plate.
I don't own Robots. I may write this up as a piece of Book 3 type gear, or I might use Dragon Magazine's robotics article.
Is the CT Robots book worth buying?
I imagine something like the shield-bot has already been designed. It's a simple concept. Anyone know of a build?
Hovering under contragravity, the shield-bot precedes, trails, or flanks its human user as directed. A built-in fiberoptic periscope and camera with holographic display (across the inner face of the shield) lets the user peep around corners while crouching behind the shieldbot’s frontal armor plate.
I don't own Robots. I may write this up as a piece of Book 3 type gear, or I might use Dragon Magazine's robotics article.
Is the CT Robots book worth buying?
I imagine something like the shield-bot has already been designed. It's a simple concept. Anyone know of a build?