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ship benefits

Mustering out with a ship (25%)

Does that reduction go to the mortgage payment or the mortgage period?

Is it 30 years of payments at 100%?

Or 40 years of payments at 75%?
mortgage payments


How does a trade ship make mortgage payments if they travel a sector or two from their bank? Is sending the payment back though X-boat sufficient? Or must he payment be paid directly, in system on the say it's due?
Original rules I think you could pay at any class A or B port and the money eventually made its way back to wherever it needed to go.

Banking in the Imperium is...an interesting challenge.
Mustering out with a ship (25%)

Does that reduction go to the mortgage payment or the mortgage period?

Is it 30 years of payments at 100%?

Or 40 years of payments at 75%?

I guess you're talking about MgT2E, as in 1E the ship benefit (scout excluded) is 5 shares to a spedific ship or 2 to naother one...

Time, so it's first benefit 40 years, second benefit 30 years left, and so on.

I'm afraid this was in CT. In MgT2E things are a little different (Main Book, page 45):

Free Trader: ou receive a free trader with 25% of the mortgage paid off on it.(...) If you roll this benefit again, an additional 25% of the mortgage has been paid off.
So, first roll is already 25% paid, and 4 rolls is the ship free.

As an aside, see that in page 142 (again Main Book), under "Buying a ship", no reference is made to the CT down payment (20%), only talking about the monthly mortgage cost...

About the OP question, if this 25% is in time or in montly mortgage repayment, if this is specified I cannot find it.

If you asume this menas already 10 years paid off, then the ship is 10 years ols per roll, and 10 years have already been paid (as in CT).

OTOH, if you asume this means ship shares worth 25% of the ship price, the ship could well be Brand new and the initial payment (represented by the ship shares) be 25% of it, so reduced from the montly mayments for the standard 40 years...

As this is not specified (or at least I didn't find it, maybe in latter books I don't own), I'd let it to the GM (or player) discretion...

Of course, YMMV...
Mustering out with a ship (25%)

Does that reduction go to the mortgage payment or the mortgage period?

Is it 30 years of payments at 100%?

Or 40 years of payments at 75%?

You don't have to recalculate the mortgage payment. 25% cuts 10 years off of the payments (and the ship is 10 years old(er), as noted by McPerth). So you only have to pay for 30 years.

McPerth also astutely noticed that in MgT, the first receipt makes 10 years of payments, where as the first receipt in Classic Traveller does not. Both of them tacitly waive the 20% down payment as well.
You don't have to recalculate the mortgage payment. 25% cuts 10 years off of the payments. So you only have to pay for 30 years.

In fact (and after reading it a little more), again in page 142 of the Main Book (under Career Benefits), it is specified:

Every time a ship is rolled as a benefit, 25% of the original mortgage has been paid off. In practice, the Traveller may choose to continue to pay the calculated mortgage for ten years less every time the benefit is rolled (continuing the mortgage) and pay his ship off faster, or deduct 25% from the purchase price of the ship before calculating the mortgage cost (effectively re-mortgaging) to be paying less per month.
So, it seems the player is the one to choose...
How does a trade ship make mortgage payments if they travel a sector or two from their bank?

Drop it off at a referee-approved payment location. For instance, a bank at a starport, or in a major city, or a branch office, etc etc. Or whatever institution owns the title.
In fact (and after reading it a little more), again in page 142 of the Main Book (under Career Benefits), it is specified:

So, it seems the player is the one to choose...

THAT is interesting! Thank you McP!
In that case, perhaps you should try to refinance the ship back up to a 40 years mortgage to lower the monthly payments and better support cash flow.

Feels like real life.

In that case, as a referee, I think I would force that into a role-playing session, where the players seek out a reputable agent to broker the refi.
Feels like real life.

In that case, as a referee, I think I would force that into a role-playing session, where the players seek out a reputable agent to broker the refi.

Not only that, but perhaps get a better refinance rate as well. Having gone through 2 refinances for better rates, it could be that the Imperial credit world has some really low rates somewhere. Just be prepared to sign a mountain of forms (I did that once for my players on a high law world. They had to sign several dozen forms to leave the port. Did not help they failed the admin roll...)

Or, harkening back to the usually grey areas of classic Traveller adventures, perhaps we could refinance you at this really low rate for a small favor....

Yes, some good roleplaying possibilities in the world of finance! :D
Feels like real life.

In that case, as a referee, I think I would force that into a role-playing session, where the players seek out a reputable agent to broker the refi.

Does downloading the "Rocketship Mortgage" app really consist of a RP session?
Does downloading the "Rocketship Mortgage" app really consist of a RP session?


Actually.... yeah that could turn dark real easy. A truly evil referee would certainly RP that.

David: OK, let's refinance the smart way: with an app!

Val: Duh, no brainer!  Save ourselves $$ from the broker's cut!

D: Yeah!  Surfing to the starport link and downloading to my hand comp.

Referee: Sure.  You surf to the starport link and find the app.  
It says: 


D: Heck no.  Not gonna let you intrude.

V: Hey, and what if we get a virus??

D: No, the starport has better security than that (looks doubtfully at 

R: David's right.  The starport's paywall stops scams, and since 
everything's written in descendants of Ada and COBOL*, it's 
impossible to create viruses.

V: Oh, well then what's the problem David?

D: Imperial spyware. It's like a virus, except it's part of IOS**.  
They send biometrics, telemetrics, and optometrics 
back into their security system.  They use it to market products 
and route sellers.

V: Oh hell no.  Let's hit the ground and find a broker!

*VIBOLA. Ada meets COBOL with Vilani syntax. The reason the Imperium doesn't use a Vilani-descended system is that Vilani Ladder Logic causes nervous breakdowns in ship's computers. Naturally, the editor of choice is VI (no relation to the Unix text editor vi, written by Bill Joy).

**Imperial Operating System