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Ship Design-CE System Reference Document


SOC-14 5K
I am designing my first ship, a 600 dTon Subsidized Merchant, and have encountered a problem. There is no indication on the Drive Table as to what Tech Level certain drives are available. Am I missing something? For now, I am using the Tech Level for specific drives from Classic Traveler. I have made some modifications to the design rules, but I am using the straight Cepheus Engine Drive Tables for different size hulls with no modification.
Neither Cepheus, nor the MgT1 Core book it's based on, have any TL limits on drives nor drive potential, as far as I can see.

If you want any TL limits it's up to your campaign to define, I guess.
IIRC the digest sized version of the MgT1e rules had the missing drive TL table and it was a copy of the CT table. I could be misremembering though so someone else will have to confirm or not.
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If we go by MgT1 Highguard, the classic TL limitation to jump potential applies, but no other TL limits.

I do not think any TL limits to ship sizes or specific lettered drives are intended.
The letter drive by TL table was definitely in a MgT1e book I just don't remember which one. It was either the digest sized CRB or it was hidden away in a Library Data book.
Thanks for the response. I now know that my aged eyes have not missed something. I will just go by the Tech Table in Classic for drives.
Thanks for the response. I now know that my aged eyes have not missed something. I will just go by the Tech Table in Classic for drives.

At least in MGT 1e, I think that the jump drive TL restriction was enforced by the Jump Control software TL limits, pg 113 of the 2008 hardcover edition. Basically TL 9/11/12/13/14/15 (J1-J6).

That doesn't address M-drives, but they seem to be leaving that unrestricted deliberately, as upheld by the drive potential table on pg 63 of MGT 1e High Guard; Jump drives have an associated TL, but Maneuver drives don't.
Classic seems to limit it by software sophistication as dictated by technological level developed at.

MongoVerse includes hardware limit, depending on technological base manufactured at.

Opening up the throttle to nine and sixteen gravitations respectively for thrusters and rockets, imposes hard caps for each technological level manufactured at.
I have Mongoose in digital format somewhere, but I think that I will just go with Classic for the Jump Drive. For maneuver drives, I assume that the Dean Drive works and showed the way for the contragravity lifters, and then the Hyperspace and Jump Drives.