I'll start. Here is a ship I designed using High Guard. You are welcome to use or modify it to your tastes.
Sir Richard Cochrane class destroyer
Tonnage: 8,500
Crew: 80
Marine Compliment: 50 (reinforced platoon)
Performance: Jump 4, 6 G, power C
Fuel: 2,300 tons
Armament: 4x 50 ton missile bays, 30 triple laser turrets, 10 double fusion turrets, 5 PA bays
Armor: Class A
Cargo/Magazines: 100 tons
Ships Vessels: 2x cutter, 1x pinnace
Hull shape: Sphere
Entered Service: 1102
The Cochrane class is designed mostly for show the flag, and anti-piracy patrols. The Marines travel in the two cutters, and are equipped to deal with most smaller threats. Often acts as a flagship for destroyer flotillas and squadrons.
Sir Richard Cochrane class destroyer
Tonnage: 8,500
Crew: 80
Marine Compliment: 50 (reinforced platoon)
Performance: Jump 4, 6 G, power C
Fuel: 2,300 tons
Armament: 4x 50 ton missile bays, 30 triple laser turrets, 10 double fusion turrets, 5 PA bays
Armor: Class A
Cargo/Magazines: 100 tons
Ships Vessels: 2x cutter, 1x pinnace
Hull shape: Sphere
Entered Service: 1102
The Cochrane class is designed mostly for show the flag, and anti-piracy patrols. The Marines travel in the two cutters, and are equipped to deal with most smaller threats. Often acts as a flagship for destroyer flotillas and squadrons.