How does ship ticketing work...especially outside the border of the Imperium. Tickets appear to work like a form of cash. They are liquid - any ship will take them and there is an automatic an immediate credit to the ships account when someone presents one.
Somewhere someone issues a ticket and takes cash
That person then passes it to someone who passes it on...
...until the receiving someone is a ship who takes it to (whom?) to get Cash
If the issuing authority and the ultimate receiving authority is the SPA, all well and good.
But how does this work when the port isn't an SPA port?
Will the NaHu world accept SPA tickets, of the NaVa or the Zhodani or the 40th Squadron? Can those planets issue tickets accepted by the SPA?
How does the traveller tell which will and which won't?
How does the traveller/ships captain identify a valid ticket from a fraud?
And when every planet is 'Wi' then this model is really broken...Gold anyone?
Somewhere someone issues a ticket and takes cash
That person then passes it to someone who passes it on...
...until the receiving someone is a ship who takes it to (whom?) to get Cash
If the issuing authority and the ultimate receiving authority is the SPA, all well and good.
But how does this work when the port isn't an SPA port?
Will the NaHu world accept SPA tickets, of the NaVa or the Zhodani or the 40th Squadron? Can those planets issue tickets accepted by the SPA?
How does the traveller tell which will and which won't?
How does the traveller/ships captain identify a valid ticket from a fraud?
And when every planet is 'Wi' then this model is really broken...Gold anyone?