SOC-14 1K
When we print a review, we include the publisher's URL, if available, in the information box at the top of the review. That, and the title, are the only identifying information we include. It's been suggested that we include the ISBN of the product when we review it. Should we?
Also, we've treated the magazine as though it were a print publication - links are not clickable, for example, and we don't embed audio, video, or code such as javascript into our pages. It's been pointed out - quite correctly - that we are not a print publication, even though our choice of layout facilitates printing, and thus we should not avoid such things as making links clickable.
What do you think? Should we allow our links to be clickable? Should we include ISBNs in our review infoboxes? Where, if anywhere, should we link to?
Also, we've treated the magazine as though it were a print publication - links are not clickable, for example, and we don't embed audio, video, or code such as javascript into our pages. It's been pointed out - quite correctly - that we are not a print publication, even though our choice of layout facilitates printing, and thus we should not avoid such things as making links clickable.
What do you think? Should we allow our links to be clickable? Should we include ISBNs in our review infoboxes? Where, if anywhere, should we link to?