The bridge is the control room of the ship. In CT (High Guard II), the ship can neither maneuver nor jump if the bridge is destroyed, and weapons fire is treated as if the computer was half its usual rating.
The CT construction rules (High Guard II) set the bridge at 2% of the ship's volume for ships 1000 dT and over, minimum 20 dT for a smaller ship. Boats have a bridge that is 20% of the boat's volume, minimum 4 dT, but boats also have the option of routing controls through the computer instead of having a bridge, though the computer then operates as if it were one rating lower than it is. This is of course decided during manufacture: you can't rewire the controls like that to deal with combat damage.[/QUOTE]
Yes, you have defined a bridge as per the rule book, but what is a bridge? What do people do there? How many people do their thing there? How many are required?
I give the Bridge of an Aircraft Carrier circa 1985, Stations there in, Conning Officer in chard of maritime operations, most ship handling and Navigation, Helm and Lee-Helm, directional controls and signals to engineering for requested speed, Boatswain's Mate of the Watch, in charge of internal communications (makes ship wide announcements, controls the alarms and runners), Visual Lookouts time 3 in direct communication with ops (Not on Bridge), and the Runner who physically delivers messages from the bridge to other locations in the ship, And finally the OPs board guy who regularly updates the contact board. and finally the Navigator chair and the chartroom.
The bridge on a similarly sized commercial ship, the Officer of the Watch, Helm and maybe a sensor operator/lookout.
See the big difference the carrier has all of it's sensors controlled away from it's navigation bridge, the commercial one everything is on the bridge. Both can be navigationally controlled from multiple locations, but generally Sensors are located in one location, the bridge in the commercial case and Operations in the other (Note AuxConn on the Carrier has some navigational electronics that main bridge doesn't have as a backup to losing OPs)
So which one is your bridge? Or do you chose the two pilot model of large Aircraft?
So maybe the question is How many Workstations? And Where are they?
Then there is some ancillary equipment Fire Control, which brings with it is that volume paying for the volume of the turret, or just the console and weapon direction sensors and equipment? (I for one am in the latter camp, though I could easily be swayed by adding a dTon to the mounts volume to include the turret and its local control option)
Then the question is Where are the Engineering controls located at? And are they a complete Bridge level Workstation? What about Engineering stores?
Then there is the Question of Life Support and Life support stores.
HG II providee two crew seats with a bridge. That much of it is explicit in canon. Beyond that, what needs to be explicit is whatever you choose to be explicit. HG_B offers an example of what that might be for someone doing up a deck plan.
Yes, he does, though I would Lump his basic sensors, electronics, Landing gear into a straight percentage. The Mentioned 2% sounds good by me.