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Slow drug - auctioneer, or Alvin & the Chipmunks?


I was leafing through MT, and stumbled across this entry -

Slow Drug
TL 9, Cr 500.
So named because it makes the universe (from the
user’s viewpoint) appear to move more slowly, the drug
achieves the effect by accelerating the user’s metabolism. In
effect, the user lives approximately twice as fast as normal.

It's the same in the new version, that's a copy/paste from T5 above.

Then it hit me - to the non-medicated, would someone who has taken Slow sound like a really fast auctioneer, or would they sound like the far future version of Alvin and the Chipmunks?

If you've ever played with turntables as a kid, you know what changing the record's speed from 33 1/3 to 45 rpm does, and that's only about one third faster than the LP's normal.

Would "approximately twice as fast as normal" make them unintelligibly high-pitched?

Suddenly, the image of the suicide commandos dosing themselves on Slow to rush the dictator while yelling "Freedom!!" sounds much less dramatic.
Couldn't the Slow drug user consciously make himself speak slowly to be understood?



Wait! Slllooowly. Too much coffee! :rofl:
Probably auctioneer, as the vocal chords operate as an instrument. You might get a one octave shift from overpressure, but that gets painful quick.
Your mind might be functioning faster than your mouth can express your thoughts. It may be much easier to take a pencil and paper and write notes longhand.

Your companions may have an easier time reading the short essay you produce in a few minutes than trying to interpt what you say.

Of course you pencil may combust :D

And this being high tech, most comms should be able to take an audio recording or voice not and slow it down.
You might get a one octave shift from overpressure, but that gets painful quick.

T5 does go on to say "At the end of its effect, the user receives 1D in wounds" but I guess I wasn't expecting the vocal chords to be one of the hit locations.

Logans Run version

I always imagined it like the kids in the slums of the abandoned parts of the automated cities, blurry movement and such, from Logan's Run lol.

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