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General Small win for the ref


I had a small win this week. I have not run a Traveller adventure in a long, long time. I was invited to run a game for a group of players, all but one I did not know, and who had never played Traveller before. Everyone agreed it would be three sessions long. About 30 minutes before the end of the final session, it was clear the players needed more time to let the adventure reach a natural conclusion. I told them not to worry, I would live up to my commitment of a three session cap and we would resolve it one way or another in the next 30 minutes.

Instead all three players asked if we could just add more sessions so the adventure could just continue at the current pace. One even asked if I had plans for a second adventure ready to go.

I would have been totally fine to force an end last night, but when your players ask for more I don't think there is a greater reward to a referee.

Thank you to all of you for all of your advice and stories over the years. I shamelessly stole from all of you to make my adventure as cool as I could make it.