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So how do you use Soc?


SOC-14 1K
Peer of the Realm
In most of my games Soc has been used as a general Social attribute, nee' that other set of games Charisma characteristic.

While others I have played with have been strict Socioeconomic status sorts of people.

How do y'all treat it?
I treat SOC as a complex of socioeconomic and nobility, with nobility not necessarily at the highest economic level nor high economic level necessarily noble. I also provide that noble-level SOC (Knight+) is not necessary imperial nobility- could be just local influence levels instead.

I liked how TNE just added CHR along with SOC, since I want both and they are really different things.
For me the Characteristics, Skills, Service, and age of a PC or NPC are as valuable for helping to determine the quality of a character as they are for some quantifiable roll -- and often more so.

If a PC is a knight but is in a patch of space behind the borders of the "remote, centralized government" that early Traveller assumes, does his SOC matter?

Well, it might not matter to the people around him on many worlds. But it will matter to him in one way or another.

So apart from it meaning exactly what the rules state (noble ranks and all) SOC is a prompt for the Players/PCs to pay attention how they view and judge other people, different staus, social structures and so on.
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Charisma has a direct impact on interaction.

Social Standing are cues, unless there is hard verification, could be faked.
Apart from going around being obvious about one's status, and expecting deference because of it, SOC to me would indicate a certain level of upbringing. That upbringing would have a direct impact on general mannerisms. It might have some indirect effect upon charisma, but is more nurture than nature, of which charisma would reflect both. It can work in a PCs favor in some situations, and against them in others. Is the PC dealing with Duke Norris or are they carousing in a seedy downport bar? In the later, they may not want to project "affected" mannerisms. This sort of thing I would leave to role playing, but it could make a difference, mechanically, in certain situations. Rolling for NPC reactions and such

I'd say it's generally desirable to have a high SOC. As Spock said, "It's easier for a civilized man to behave as a barbarian, than it is for a barbarian to behave as a civilized man."
I don't see it as Charisma, as defined it's a social status aka "level of upbringing". As such I read it as 6-8 being middle classed, below average is lower classed and above is upper class with the obvious titles of nobility thrown in for good measure. In other words, it's a measure of class and as a result how classy (or lacking thereof) your character is expected to portray him/herself.
Higher Soc opens some doors, closes others. Lower Soc opens some doors, closes others. Too great a difference in Soc can interfere with communication/interaction between individuals. Look at the Real World. Imagine a Wall Street banker trying to get by in The Ghetto.
I see as a nuancer for other characteristics, allowing for a broad palette of NPC

How stats indicate that this brillant (14) 4 terms NPC scientist with computer 5 cannot get a teaching job and is offering his services as hacker? See this Soc 4? I would say: criminal record, (soc 2 if sex offender). Soc 4 mean General perception is likely to be negative.

Of course, negative in one sphere of activity may be positive in another. While a junky is despised by both organised crime and common society, a pro killer may be shun by one and respecter by the other.

I respectfully submit that Soc require more interpretation than other stat, as it is an interactive stat, you cannot objectivise it on a dynamometer. The eye of the beholder matters.

have fun

SOC can be used with Admin to "grease the wheels".

In T5, monthly living expenses are determined by SOC. "It costs SO little to go first class".
play it by ear

I've was perplexed decades^W years ago about this, and arrived at the assumption that the 3I was created just to create a more homogeneous social context wherein SOC worked.

I love what @Golan2072 has been knocking around with for his Dark Nebula treatment, but it's still tacitly acknowledges that social status matters in detail only within a social compact.

In relations between members of different polities, what matters is "what motivation do I have to confer status, privilege, and/or respect to this sophont?"
  • Do they control military power?
  • Do the control economic power?
  • Do they control political power?
  • Do they control important resources?
  • Can we engage in beneficial cooperation? ["what have I to gain?"]
  • If I offend, what's the worst that could happen? ["what have I to lose?"]
  • Can they favorably influence the their in-group in relation to mine?
  • Can good relationships with them increase MY social status?
  • Do our cultures share enough core values that a traditional or honorary social status makes sense?
    • "Poet Laureate of the Worlds of the Teophan Compact"
    • "Hero of the Battle of Sarotia IV"
    • "Pedagogue of the Church of Stellar Divinity"
    • "Managing Partner and Sub-Sector VP, DarkSea Trading LLC"
I look at it as a disqualifier for certain skills, and at the higher levels, how valuable a target for kidnapping and ransom. Optionally, how many individuals has the character upset, and who might want to get rid of him/her/it.