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So how was Gencon?


The Man Behind the Curtain
I'm sorry that we(QLI) could'nt make it to Gencon Indy this year. We really wanted to go, but alas, its not always possible.
First Gencon I've missed in the last 5 years or so.
But thats OK, just means I'll go next year and hopefully Liam will be back from Iraq and he can buy me the cheeseburgers he owes me and I can buy him the beer I owe him!

So the question is, how was it?
How were the T20 games?
How were the crowds?

Bruce R
The Man Behind the Curtain
This GenCon was my first, so I don't have a good reference for comparison. That said, I had a great time.

A bit impressive and overwhelming at first because of the shear scale. 30,000 or so gamers in a relatively small area will do that. The dealers' room/exhibit hall alone easily took a good couple of hours to wander through assuming that one didn't stop very often. Rather crowded most of the time with wall to wall nerds.

A few dealers in the exhibit hall had the T20 main book and one had copies of the main book, Gateway to Destiny, and TA1. Unfortunately, the later dealer's copies were all a little mangled, but I didn't mind too much since that dealer was selling everything in the store at 50% off, so I picked up the lightest mangled copy of Gateway to Destiny even though I already have the PDF. The next day, the copies of GtD and the main book were gone.

Other Traveller related cool things in the dealers' room were the demos of Cosmographer (Campaign Cartographer add on), AstroSynthesis (Fractal Mapper related 3D starmap software), GURPS Traveller: Nobles, and Dwarven Forge's sci-fi starter sets.

My favorite non Traveller related cool thing were the Hirst Arts "Fantasy Architecture" molds. Basically, silicon rubber molds for casting plaster building blocks. Pour plaster in, pop the dried plaster out, glue together, paint, and then, after some work, you've got pieces to make dungeons, temples, buildings, and castles. Could be a new hobby for me. If you go to the website, look under the Projects link to see some examples.

I sat through a short demo of the Battlestations game that someone mentioned. It's sort of a combo spaceship combat and inside a spaceship combat game. Not something that is at all useful for Traveller, and I didn't particularly enjoy the demo.

I played in both of Flynn's scheduled games of T20 as well as Psion's pickup T20 game and enjoyed myself. I particularly liked meeting (in person) Shadowdancer, Torander, and Psion from CoTI. Flynn's scheduled games mostly had people new to T20, and he gave them a good introduction. I did seem to continue in my quest to get the Doc Zhang character killed in Flynn's game, but I wasn't successful in spite of being intentionally shot by one of his crewmates at the captain's orders for destroying the evil corporations samples (so the captain couldn't resell them) in the first game and a truly bad set of Hide rolls in the second game.

There were a few Traveller things in the auction. I picked up a $7.50 copy of Azhanti High Lightning that only had the deckplans and counters (for selling on eBay) at the Auction Store. On Sunday, a complete copy of AHL went for about $20; a copy of Fifth Frontier War went for about $25, and Tom Wham's copy of Striker went for about $18. Quite a few Traveller items went up Sunday morning for some reason while I happened to be there.

Most amusing thing that I saw was the clash of cultures as thousands of Indiana Colts and NY Jetts fans arrived for a preseason football game Saturday afternoon/evening and ran into the heaviest day of GenCon which also had the heaviest concentration of GenCon people in costume. Talk about a clash of cultures.

Unlike what some reported last year, finding a place to eat without a really long wait wasn't a problem for me except for Saturday evening when our chosen restaurant was full inside because of the football game. We got to people watch while eating on the patio though, so things worked out just fine.

Ah, I'll have to really try and get there again next year.

Originally posted by Bruce:
I'm sorry that we(QLI) could'nt make it to Gencon Indy this year. We really wanted to go, but alas, its not always possible.
First Gencon I've missed in the last 5 years or so.
But thats OK, just means I'll go next year and hopefully Liam will be back from Iraq and he can buy me the cheeseburgers he owes me and I can buy him the beer I owe him!

So the question is, how was it?
How were the T20 games?
How were the crowds?

Bruce R
The Man Behind the Curtain
Oh Bruce, this was, (From vendors POV) Quite a great show

To my great surprise I got to be the lead on selling Gurps Nobles.... Outstanding piece of Work that sold out.

And as anyone who came to me at my booth got to see... Look it's Erin Grey!!! :eek: :D :D She Is STILL HOT folks.

Maspy's got a new 3D space mapping program that looks outstand (todays next project)
Ran in to Maspy, Mark Seifort and Flynn and Psion....I'm SURE others would have said something if they could have gotten to the booth:)

And Bruce... Liam has a surprise coming Next year... It never hurts to have friends in High places as well as Low;)

For Now, that's It... It's 5:50 AM, I just drove back from Gencon and after tear down, Fighting with Fern (hack Spittooy)
:mad: and being in roomies hip pockets for 6 days, I'm going to bed!

Capt. Blacklight, AKA Superdave, AKA man with the exact change dance!
Hey Capn Blacklight:

You said:
>And as anyone who came to me at my booth got to see... Look it's Erin Grey!!!

Are you saying that she was with you in your booth? Or did you have a standee of her, or...?

Also: for the ignorant among us (like me), presumably you are on SJGames staff? Pray tell!

Dan, wishing he could go to GenCon, same wish for 20+ years...priorities, priorities!
Originally posted by dancha:
Hey Capn Blacklight:

You said:
>And as anyone who came to me at my booth got to see... Look it's Erin Grey!!!

Are you saying that she was with you in your booth? Or did you have a standee of her, or...?
Well Thrusday Morning she came up to me and was asking for some help.... Our Booth was right next to the "Walk of Stars". it was the real deal Erin Grey.

Also: for the ignorant among us (like me), presumably you are on SJGames staff? Pray tell!

Dan, wishing he could go to GenCon, same wish for 20+ years...priorities, priorities!
Not as per say. the group I work for does the show circut for a few companies. (Dork Storm, SJG, and Atlas games for the Major ones)

Truthfully I had more fun workin with Marc Singer than any of the big stars there... He was Just so much fun to hang with... and very very personable...

Yes you need to go to gencon!!!

Anyone for Dragoncon Next week?
Honestly, Dave, when I cam to visit you all those times, it was really to scope out Erin. Yes she was that close. (No I did not sniff her chair after the hall closed. But I did sit in it.)

I will also second Marc Singer's coolness. He liked my Hawaiian shirt, too. Herbert Jefferson's daughter has real good taste in Hawaiian shirts, as he was sporting some swanky ones his own bad Battlestar-self.

A radio show, on Saturday announced that parking for the Colts game would be hard to find as there was a Star Trek convention in town. "Ehhh, what a ma-roon!!" Star Trek. Ha. There were hardly even any Klingons in the Klingon Jail & Bail.

We did find out there are a lot more Traveller fans out there then one would think. We found this out two ways. A) they loved our AstroSynthesis starmapper. B) They loved my "Frack the Battlestar. WE WANT FIREFLY!" sign.

Indianapolis needs doughnut shops.
Originally posted by Maspy:
Honestly, Dave, when I cam to visit you all those times, it was really to scope out Erin. Yes she was that close. (No I did not sniff her chair after the hall closed. But I did sit in it.)

I will also second Marc Singer's coolness. He liked my Hawaiian shirt, too. Herbert Jefferson's daughter has real good taste in Hawaiian shirts, as he was sporting some swanky ones his own bad Battlestar-self.

A radio show, on Saturday announced that parking for the Colts game would be hard to find as there was a Star Trek convention in town. "Ehhh, what a ma-roon!!" Star Trek. Ha. There were hardly even any Klingons in the Klingon Jail & Bail.

We did find out there are a lot more Traveller fans out there then one would think. We found this out two ways. A) they loved our AstroSynthesis starmapper. B) They loved my "Frack the Battlestar. WE WANT FIREFLY!" sign.

Indianapolis needs doughnut shops.
Two things...
1. There are going to be ways to identify Us to the mass's.

2. I will find dounuts by then... Oh Yes I will find them!

And I am going to fly my Damn Battle Flag, No matter what the boss wants to say... checkers flags at Indy (Phagh)

On the other hand it will be a better flag next year.
Capt. ,
Sorry that I forgot to ask who you were when I came by to see Ross all those times. I had lots of stuff on my mind ;)

Marc Singer is a very cool person. I and another individual talked to him about his game design plans.

On Thursday you could see Orli, an actress from StarWars but then the GenCon staff moved her to the center of the artist alley and put Walter Koenig on the end near SJ booth.

Well, guess there is next time.

I had a fantastic time at this year's GenCon Indy. I would daresay it was my favorite Con to date.

I got to meet a number of people from the COTI boards, and I ran two rather mercenary high action T20 adventures as part of my contribution to spreading the word of Traveller to the masses. (Second year in a row for having the only official T20 games on the schedule. I hope that next year, someone else runs T20, too, so I can get in some gaming... ;) )

I appreciated Psion running his pick-up game for us on Friday afternoon. It is a rare thing for me to be able to play T20 face-to-face, and I enjoyed the opportunity immensely. Great job, Psion!

I found a great used games dealer with reasonable prices on a few TNE pieces I was looking for, and one that went grossly overboard in pricing some of their older Traveller products. ($30 for an issue of Far Traveller... I mean, come on...)

In other areas, True Dungeon was even better this year. The Epic Level Party was fun, but not all it was cracked up to be. WOTC didn't have the Star Wars minis available for sale, but they were up on display and for demoing. Gaming with some old friends was just a blast, and meeting a lot of new people was fun, too.

It was my observation that the average cup size of the GenCon attendee seemed to be larger this year than in years past. Unfortunately, that also went for males as well as females. (I felt quite disturbed when I made this realization, at least for a while. Then the next set of sweater puppies walked by, and Life was Good again...)

This year should have been called the Year of Swag. Among the booty I recovered from all the free giveaways, I picked up six free T-shirts, a goodly number of free promotional minis, free dice, a D&D 30th Anniversary cup, a D&D 30th Anniversary pencil, a D&D 30th Anniversary tote bag, two posters, a free dungeon tile, two CDs, some buttons, some pins, two or three free card games, several booster packs from relatively unknown CCGs, six different magazines, and several comic books. My suitcases were overfull after trying to pack everything away!

I highly recommend GenCon to anyone that can attend, and I look forward to next year, when I will run T20 yet again, and seek ways to make my fifth GenCon top this year's outstanding experience.

What are the outdoor temperatures in Indianapolis in August?

And did any of you get a look at Ex Machina?
Originally posted by Morte:
What are the outdoor temperatures in Indianapolis in August?
60's (deg F) (low, in morning) to low 80's (high) though a couple of days only had highs in the 70's.

I think that the temperatures were 5-10 deg F below normal.

I ran two pickup games. One was with Flynn, Ron, and Ron's friend. The other was with ENworlders (only one who had played T20, and one other had played Classic.)

Both games were a hoot, and ran very differently. In the CotI games, they ended up shooting the guy they were trying to save. Twice, IIRC.

Someone at the ENworld booth was BEGGING to know where he could get some T20 stuff. The best we could do is send him to that half price game booth. (Where, incidentally, I picked up a few GT titles.)

Flynn beat me out on T-shirts, though I was trying. I never made it by one booth and didn't want to subscribe to more Paizo mags to get the Dragon t-shirt (which was awesome.) The Rakham T-shirt was very cool though. I got 4 t-shirts for myself and one for my daughter.

I also talked to Singer for a bit. He stopped me as I was breezing by. Wasn't about to pay $20 for a autograph though. (I weigh all purchases in gaming pages...) Nice guy, though.

I am such an astrophysics geek, when I saw Astrosynthesis, I had to have it. Really cool, but Maspy, was the intention that all worlds be generated with 0 hydrographics? At any rate, it was my only full price purchase at the con (the rest being purchased through discount booths or acquired as review swag.)
I went to the SJ Games booth and no one there could help me find you Capt. Blacklight. I even heard and saw the exact change dance. So since I didn't see you at GenCon. Howdy, I'm Rob.
Originally posted by Roldar:
I went to the SJ Games booth and no one there could help me find you Capt. Blacklight. I even heard and saw the exact change dance. So since I didn't see you at GenCon. Howdy, I'm Rob.
hi Rob... from our one end of our booth did you see Erin Grey? I was standing in the Atlas games part of our booth most of the show. And I'm known as SuperDave on the road show.
although I did have "Capt. Blacklight" on my badge. If you were there between 2:00ish and 3:00ish I was out wandering the floor.... I needed to fix a few holes in my traveller stuff.

Oh Well, Next year.
I met Captain Blacklight and Maspy at the ENnies booth. I swear everytime I walked by the SJG booth I saw Capt. Blacklight.
I just went to the booth and asked for the Traveller guy and the 2 guys I talked to didn't know who you were.
This was my 2nd GenCon. The last time I went was in 2001 in Milwaukee. I drove down from Michigan to Indy. I go to play GT once that was pretty fun. Mostly I played RPGA games. I won't play all those next year
Aslo, I stopped by at the ENworld booth for a second and wandered through the dealers room a few times.
