So I'm already dusting off my b-grade software engineering skills to make another go at a Ref/Player aide application, and I came across one of the handful of recurring issues: Data Exchange. Now, I know this gets close to off-topic or something that maybe should be in the public forums, but: 1) chunks of this would have to be specific to T5; 2) I have bad experiences with some of the public Traveller communities (and various gamer forums in general,) so I am reluctant to bring this up elsewhere; 3) The readership here is the proper 'target audience'.
So, rather than starting to talk about each of our favorite apps, I want to talk about developing a data interchange standard to promote sharing between us all. Now, any code-monkey worth the name can hack out a translator or import module for a new data format in a couple of hours, it would still be nice not to have to.
So unless this thread gets locked (and no offense taken if it is,) here's what I'd like to hear about:
A set of properly formed XML-DTDs and documentation to cover all of the core data. Core data being defined as: character stats, gear stats, vehicles, starships, systems, anything else that pops up in the new rules that we want to share.
Why not just do this myself you ask? Well, I'd have to learn XML at a much lower level than I currently do and this isn't exactly a task for a beginner, also if this is to have any use beyond my own pet projects at some point the community would need to buy in.
So, rather than starting to talk about each of our favorite apps, I want to talk about developing a data interchange standard to promote sharing between us all. Now, any code-monkey worth the name can hack out a translator or import module for a new data format in a couple of hours, it would still be nice not to have to.
So unless this thread gets locked (and no offense taken if it is,) here's what I'd like to hear about:
A set of properly formed XML-DTDs and documentation to cover all of the core data. Core data being defined as: character stats, gear stats, vehicles, starships, systems, anything else that pops up in the new rules that we want to share.
Why not just do this myself you ask? Well, I'd have to learn XML at a much lower level than I currently do and this isn't exactly a task for a beginner, also if this is to have any use beyond my own pet projects at some point the community would need to buy in.