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SoloGaming: Campaign Idea


SOC-14 1K
I'm keen to start another solo game, and I have in mind a solo trading game. Now in the past I've used a free trader, but this time I'm wondering about Speculation Without a Starship (JTAS 6).

I'm thinking of creating a noble, basing her on Scandia in Arcturus Subsector, then letting her try some speculation without a starship, maybe hiring staff, warehousing and paying for reliable brokers on certain market worlds. Can she earn enough for a down payment on a free trader? Then equip and crew it?

I'll need some event tables with enough entries to add flavour, challenges and lucky breaks. I'll need some NPCs to help her and to hinder her, with the rivals intervention turning up randomly to throw a spanner in the works.

Any advice welcome!

I'm thinking of creating a noble, basing her on Scandia in Arcturus Subsector, then letting her try some speculation without a starship, maybe hiring staff, warehousing and paying for reliable brokers on certain market worlds. Can she earn enough for a down payment on a free trader? Then equip and crew it?
Any advice welcome!

So she does or does not have a starship?
Either if she's speculating on a single world or with her cargo it should be pretty common place.
Buys high value cargo, escorts it across the unknown with her bodyguards. Resells it at a different location. Picks up something there....

One player RPGs are cool we should have more.
She doesn't have a ship, but I'm thinking that this might be how a fledgling one ship free trader line starts up, and can perhaps be a some eventual goal if I play for long enough.

So she does or does not have a starship?
Either if she's speculating on a single world or with her cargo it should be pretty common place.
Buys high value cargo, escorts it across the unknown with her bodyguards. Resells it at a different location. Picks up something there....

One player RPGs are cool we should have more.
At first I was going to use a system of on world brokers, with the trader staying on Scandia but I think the nature of trade and the economy sort of demands that someone accompany the cargo. If she boxes it up and dispatches it, then it gets uploaded on Heraklion, say, the broker she's paid to work for her sells it at a good price. I'm not sure money is successfully 'wired back' to Scandia. Money seems a lot more physical in the 3i to me. Plus, if she's not there on Heraklion, she can't herself look out for good speculative deals can she? It's no good just staying on Scandia buying at the same DMs all the time.

I'll give a thought to some sort of flow chart or event tables.
This is my current flow chart, I have yet to create starship tables and a world encounter table (I'm not using the one in the Traveller rule book, I don't know what those entries mean for my character, you know 1-6 Workers in a Vehicle with Clubs, that kind of thing. Stories come from building relationships with NPCs, helping them out, gaining contacts and asking them for favours ... etc. records need to be kept of ships travelled on, contacts made and so on.

Roll for three cargos, reduce this by one each time if looking for a ship, working, or doing some other activity. Note that searching for cargoes takes the character outside the starport to other locations on the planet.

See note above.

Use Book 2 to buy the desired cargoes.

Pay warehousing fees for any cargoes bought and stored in previous weeks. Do not count any cargoes bought this week, the seller is paying for those.

Travellers meet other travellers. The player character collects acquaintances that are contacts or allies, met at starports or on starships during his or her travels. Keep a list of these contacts, keep a note of their reaction roll if 8+.

Roll 10+ to meet one of the contacts from your list each week you are at a starport. They will be at the port all week should the PC need them. Some contacts may be located at that port permanently and can be contacted if needed on a roll of 8+. DMs: -1 if B class, -2 if C class, -3 if D class, -4 if E class, +1 if your contact list is 3 or more, +2 if your contact list is 6 or more, +3 if your contact list is 9 or more.

2 Starport Shutdown - 1 week. Issue is a labour dispute, accident, festively/holiday or security problem.
3 Your cargo is in the wrong place and your ship can't wait till whenever for it to be moved. Will Bribery or Admin help here?
4 Your ship or ship's crew are in trouble, perhaps legally, perhaps personally or perhaps mechanically. They may need assistance.
5 Customs- Roll 5+ for the cargo to clear customs. If not, there may be a 1 week delay or a duty to pay (1%). Is there a way around it? An Admin roll, on 10+ will find a loophole.
6 Red Tape - Transfer papers contain irregularities. Bribery or Admin with smooth the way, see Book 1.
7 none
8 Security - Security at starports is always high, you and your cargo are searched. The search will throw up some issue to do with your cargo or luggage you were unaware of on a 6 on 1d6. Arrest? Detention? Week-long delay? Set-up by a rival trader or a spurned seller? Roleplay the results.
9 Meet a fellow Traveller as a potential Contact. Roll on Traveller reaction table to make their acquaintance, roll on Patron table to determine their identity. Record the reaction result. Require a result of 8+ ('interested') for a friendship. When met again, roll reaction result or less for assistance, cheap cargo, help in dealing with a problem, etc.
10 Meet one of your contacts who needs your help. Is it financial, legal, administrative or personal?
11 Your cargo is pilfered or damaged, reduce amount by 10-60%

See the guidelines in JTAS 6, 'Speculation Without a Starship'. Note that in a frontier subsector, it is useful to write up a list of ship names with the names of their captains or owners. Riding the same ship will mean meeting the same crews and building relationships, having more long running personal stories.

Cargo is loaded, the PC checks in, pays any outstanding bills at the starport and loads his or her luggage.

The ship travels to the destination desired during the Search for a Ship phase. It requires one week and requires a roll on the Jump Event table.

2 Hijack or piracy or both.
3 There is an incident amongst the crew and they turn to the PC for help. What the problem is will probably revolve one of the PCs skills, status or situation.
4 An accident aboard ship requires repair, may involve an injury or some inconvenience.
5 Security patrol ship makes contact in outer system or close to main world. (1) checks registry, moves on (2) asks for passenger lists, is looking for a fugitive (3) asks for cargo lists,is checking for customs irregularities, (4-5) will board, spend 1-3 hours conducting a routine search then move on. Roll 5+ for PC to avoid some cargo or personal irregularity which leads to his or her put under scrutiny/fined/delayed or detained (6) the starship is breaking the law and will be accompanied to the starport where it will be impounded and investigated. Can the PC help with bribery or admin or other skills in preventing this?? If not everyone is detained at the starport for 1-3 weeks, cargos included. On a second roll of 10+ the panicked starship captain makes a run for it and the patrol ship will be forced to fire on the fugitive vessel.
6 One of the stewards is: (1) rude, (2) corrupt, (3) missing, (4) exploitative, (5) thieving, (6) under pressure from a passenger.
7 Typical trip, with highs and lows.
8 Find out some useful info from a passenger about the destination world, use it to either get half price living costs at the starport, a +1 on any Admin roll, or re-roll a cargo result during the Cargo Search phase.
9 Meet a fellow Traveller as a potential Contact. Roll on Traveller reaction table to make their acquaintance, roll on Patron table to determine their identity. Record the reaction result. Require a result of 8+ ('interested') for a friendship. When met again, roll reaction result or less for assistance, cheap cargo, help in dealing with a problem, etc.
10 There's one obnoxious passenger people try to avoid. This trip will be miserable unless someone deals with him, which skill will work with him/her? (1) Streetwise, (2) Carouse, (3) Admin, (4) Bribery, (5) Leader, 6) Social Standing. Liaison is always appropriate. Make a suitable roll to deal with this person.
11 Meet one of your contacts who needs your help. Is it financial, legal, administrative or personal?
12 Mysterious death of passenger or crew, was it murder?

Approach, land, unload, cargo sale, arrange for accommodation for the week. Go to 1.

Do you mean 'good' events or encounters, not just bad ones?

Both now that you mention it. When it all is said and done there needs to be a lucrative conclusion or dismal loss.

Like from Firefly when Mal lectures Zoe on failures, not eating for a month. If that was every episode no one would watch it.
Having used the speculation rules before I'm pretty certain that profits will be fairly common and losses fairly uncommon, especially if I choose my markets carefully and have the option of shipping cargoes aboard jump 3 subsidised liners.
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There are two tables, roll 1d6 for an odd or even result. Interpret the result in relation to the details of the world.

2 -Learn a secret on planet, political, corporate, etc. you can profit from this, if you decide. If so, roll Deception or Streetwise to get away with it and gain Cr10-60,000, fail and face being arrested, pursued or shipped off planet.
3 - Harassed by a group of locals
4 - Valuable trade goods are on offer at a great deal. Why?
5 - Hard times on the planet mean few trade goods for purchase
6 - Transport delays
7 - Patron offers you a short-term job while you are on planet.
8 - Security check. Roll the Law Level or less to avoid a complete check of papers and a search of belongings and vehicle.
9 - Discover a wonderful little-known retreat, a place to relax - or to hide.
10 - Community is either not what it seems, or very welcoming
11 - Seller involved in legal trouble and you risk getting embroiled.
12 - Holiday or festival celebrations slow things down, but become an enjoyable diversion.

2 - Local situation and manner of seller make you suspicious and consider rethinking your purchase.
3 - Interesting or potentially dangerous encounter with some local wildlife.
4 - Landed spacecraft. Why?
5 - Ruined structure holds your interest
6 - Invited to a posh function
7 - Another trader is after your preferred lot of trade goods.
8 - Sudden restriction on movement, unless you can find a way to avoid it
9 - Trade agents of a large megacorporation are on planet, making normal trade difficult.
10 - Sudden weather change may affect travel plans
11 - Renowned restaurant
12 - Crime. Roll UNDER law level to avoid a random non-lethal crime costing you Cr200 x 1d6.
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Just a couple of thoughts that I have had with respect to trading.

Given the no FTL communications, bank transfers are going to be a bit difficult. What you are going to need is a bank with branches on all of the planets in the subsector, and then when your character sells merchandise and buys more, any funds left over from the new purchase, and hopefully there will be, are going to need to be converted into either a Letter of Credit, drawn on that bank, to be converted into cash at the next planet, or simply straight cash in the form of Imperial credit notes. The Letter of Credit will have both an uncoded section and a coded section, using a one-time code to make it as difficult to forge as possible. When she arrives at the next planet, she takes the Letter of Credit to the bank, where the bank then checks the Letter against their code book, with a stand alone computer, not networked with anything, using the date and time the Letter was issued as the basis for de-cyphering it. Then the receiving bank will allow her to draw up to that amount, less a small transfer fee, from the bank.

One item of passenger travel in this subsector is going to be bank couriers delivering updated codes on a regular basis to the various branches. Another thing is that your Imperial currency is going to come in large denominations to accommodate trading.

Second, if you have the time, try to give each planet a few unique items that it specializes in, be it natural resources, agricultural or animal products, or manufactured equipment, where she can make a big profit with a small investment, or get hammered at times when she arrives at her destination and discovers that someone a week or month earlier flooded the market with the item.
I have not seen the JTAS 6 article.

But it seems to me, that if you're going to speculate without the starship, then the basics are this.

1) Find cargoes to sell.
2) Ship them to potential markets.
3) Sell them locally, and buy yet more cargoes.

That means finding a ship to your potential market, with space to take the goods.

Paying that ship "freight rates" for your goods, as well as passage on the ship (and I don't know if you should be allowed to take low passage or not -- seems like just a matter of time before the game "abruptly" ends, depending on the reliability of your low passage).

I don't know if the extra charges for passage and freight handling make a large enough dent in the process to make speculating this way more or less risky. For normal traders, speculation is a mechanism to fill in the extra space for a trip you are making anyway, so the primary cost is opportunity cost (as well as the potential loss on the sale). As a ship-less speculator, your costs are higher, but risks are lower (you don't have to maintain a ship and a crew).

My concern is that if ship-less speculation is that viable, then it would be more common. Why take on the responsibility of ship and crew when you can leverage existing infrastructure. So, there must be some real hazard of loss in contracting available ship space (it may well not be available) that would encourage someone, long term, to want to get in to owning a ship (which we've seen in the past how difficult the economics of ship owning actually are as is), to have better control over costs and get better profits in spite of having the large investment in a starship.

Or maybe ship-less speculation just proves that free traders are the suckers we've known them to be the entire time and simply "doing it wrong".

As for letters of credit, FTL comms or no, this is, clearly, a "solved problem". I don't see how something like the Imperium can work without this issue being resolved efficiently and safely.
I don't know if the extra charges for passage and freight handling make a large enough dent in the process to make speculating this way more or less risky.

Assuming TTB book rate for cargo and passage, if you can find a lot with an expected value gain of ≥KCr10+KCr1/Td, you're making money. Figure about Cr150 per week for food and lodgings when not aboard ship, so lets add Cr600 per jump to allow a month to find cargo and passage, and KCr1.4 for miscellaneous expenses.

So, a lot needs to net your KCr12+Tonnage...

Textiles, for example, have a base of KCr3/Td, and on an Ag world, take a DM-7, for a maximum possible cost of 0.8*3=KCr2.4, and selling on a rich world, sell with a DM+3, for a minimum of 0.8*3=KCr2.4...if you have admin or bribery skills you can get a DM of skill level; a broker costs a percentage, but adds level. Each DM+1 is an expected 10%, so if you have admin 2, you will make at least KCr0.6 per ton, almost guaranteed. Note that the nominal profit on such a run is more likely to be on the order of KCr2.1/Td, so you need at least 10 tons to turn a profit with nominal roles. You can take the nominal up to KCr7.8/Td by spending 20% for a broker 4 (which is, on a nominal sale, KCr1.8) - at which point, 3 tons should make a profit.

If you include Trader skill from Bk7... you can roll the first die for purchase before purchasing, and hedge your bets by not buying if it's more than 3. If you're not desperate, take another week and don't buy if 1st die is more than 2.

This is travelling High Passage, shipping the cargo, and assuring a fairly safe margin, plus dining out and staying in a decent hostel.
All good points.

Whartung, the article (by Loren Wiseman) covers buying cargos, up to 3x per week if not doing anything else and finding a ship. Thats it really. The ship finding section is interesting, scouts and yachts are more likely because they have no fixed route, but small holds. Subsidized merchants and liners are less likely to go to your intended destination, but can carry a fair amount for you. Probably best is a free trader if you can find one or two.

Cargo costs are Cr1000/ton or (what is it? I'm away from the books at the moment) 1% or 2% of the total cargo value?? Whichever is highest. Of course the trader will travel high passage.

I'm not looking for a realistic simulation but it has to work well enough to feel fairly realistic, the main aim is to travel, meet people, create some interesting stories and fill in lots of world data I can maybe use in the summer in a group campaign.

Now wanting to track individual ships, I'm more inclined to switch to Glisten subsector on the frontier, the traffic volumes in the Solomani Rim would just be phenomenal. Here I can have a roster of type S, type A, type R, etc working regularly in the subsector, who they belong to, and roll randomly for an individual ship ('The Pride of Mora' or 'New Enterprise' for example) when I need one.