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Some questions about the 2320AD setting


Hi. It's been a long time since last I came on these boards. Now seeing the release of 2320AD for T20, I am really interested in getting this book. However, I have two questions first:

1) I see that it is also going to be released as a printed book (?). I am much more interested in it as a book. I would like to know when it will be available as such, and how much it will cost (approximately).

2) Any preview of 2320AD? Any reviews? What can you say about this product; I would like to know more about its contents.

It updates the setting by 20 years, includes adaptations of the T20 system to run the 2300 universe, and includes (d20 only) stats for running alien PC's.

It includes adapting CGen Prior Service to a 2300 style, or using T20 style.

The dead tree isn't expected until AFTER the errata gets applied. (Hunter learned a lesson from T20 that way.)

Maps for most of the major worlds. Writeups for all the inhabited mainworlds.

It looks great, more like a 2300 product than T20, but updated.

There is no ship design (Colin ran LONG.)
There is no world/system design upgrade (Did I mention Colin ran LONG?)

There is no adjustment to Trade that I noticed (Not that one is terribly much needed).

It looks like Colin should be polishing up for "2321, the 2320 Companion" IMO. Nudge, Nudge, Wink Wink.
Originally posted by Aramis:
There is no ship design (Colin ran LONG.)
There is no world/system design upgrade (Did I mention Colin ran LONG?)
I'm sure Aramis will agree with me here...

If 2320AD is an example of the usual result when Colin runs long, I'm hoping that Colin runs long with every other product too!

Have fun,
Yeah. I think that I ran long on this.
We had to cut the fiction intros, ship design, vehicle design, world and colony design, some weapons and gear, some ships.

In the works right now are a few adventures (a freebie intro, a con adventure, and one actually for sale) and a gearbook (designed as a periodical, with some vehicles, gear, weapons, and other stuff. No ships, though). Ship books are also under way, but if we want Laurent to illustrate them, we need to give him a LOT of lead time. Babies will do that.

Ship and vehicle design will make an appearance as part of a planned T20 Referee's Guide, and world and colony design may well be in there too.

I think that we may end up releasing the fiction bits on the Moot. That place could use some content these days. If not, I'm sure that they will drift out some day.

Quite honestly, I'd prefer a 2320 companion to splitting the 2300 specific stuff out, another massive tome of Colin's exquisite work.

You can stop blushing any time, Colin. ;)

But, in the end, it's Hunter's call. (And unlike some other companies, Hunter listens to the fanbase.)
Nice to hear that 2320AD entirely focuses on the setting, and discards ship design and planetary systems design. I was otherwise glad to find this Wiki article on 2300AD. So far I like the premises of this setting. I am still curious, however, about its tech level. Does it looks like technology as portrayed in the Alien movies, or is it extrapolated from what today we can realistically envision about the future (AI, genetic engineering, etc.)?
Character generation changes can be applied outside the T2300.

New aliens have some rules.

Homeworld Gravity Effects
3 new feats
2 new core classes & prior history tables for them
3 new prestige classes
8 new alien races

alternate armor effects by location

wound effects

Some vehicle combat extensions


more realistic ("UnPowered descent") landing rules