• Welcome to the new COTI server. We've moved the Citizens to a new server. Please let us know in the COTI Website issue forum if you find any problems.

Something for you to enjoy

Hi fellow Cepheans (Cephids?)

I (In my gaming super hero/villain guise as Horizon Games) have just released a new setting and resource for Cepheus Engine. I've put out the first (Core) volume of 4 with a couple of free handouts (Player's guide and star map). If you want to find out more you can visit the Lone Star entry "Poyekhali! Cosmos: Age of Sail..." where I pretty much explain what it's all about in answer to a query from a visitor to these august boards. Ta again if you're one of the helpful folks I discussed this release with a couple of years back.

To find it go to Drive Thru RPG > Horizon Games > Cosmos: Age of Sail - Charted Space.

It might still be visible on the "Newest Free pay What You Want" menu - it was yesterday I think. From this you'll gather that it won't break the bank. Further volumes to complete the set will will be forthcoming in the weeks to come.

Hope you enjoy it or find something there you can use. Ta for tuning in.
Age of Sail Companion (The Amber One) is out

The Cosmos: Age of Sail Companion is now up on Drive Thru Newest pay What You Want for a buck. Extra Advantage/Disadvantage Character options, back ground and a few whacky aliens for you to add depth to the setting or just swipe. Hope some happy spacers find something in it they like. Cheers.