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Spica Domain


I made a Spica Domain map from the data in the galactic database.
It can be found in: http://zho.berka.com/maps/

It would be cool if we could work with more than one sector, (but still keeping Spica as the main project) and connect it to the Gateway Domain.
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Thanks. Looks good generally, but...

(a) could you make it a big bigger please? it's impossible to see any of the text at the moment. (I guess it's only going to be useful for knowing where the planets are anyway though)

(b) Were there any borders provided with the data?

(c) are we sure that the stuff in the galactic files matches up with the world locations in AotI?
(a) The purpose of this map was to show the planetary locations and the relations with connecting sectors. The map is generated with a program that I made, and without changing that program, I cannot make it any bigger.

(b) There are no border data in the galactic database. There is only the alignment codes.

(c) Usually, the galactic database match the AotI. For Spica it looks like it does.

And now, to make You happy (I hope), I have produced a Spica Sector map from the galactic data using "Traveller Universe" that uses border data, and produces pretty maps. Take a look at the file SP_bigmap.gif in the Spica database:
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ooh. that's better ;)

So where does the border data in the Universe map come from? And why are there some worlds in Hiver space that don't seem to be part of the Hiver Federation (they have borders around their hexes?)

Chances are that the data for those worlds has a different Allegiance.


How would an interested bystander gain access to your Domain map generating application?

The border data in Traveller Universe is automatic, but You have to edit it to make it look good.

The borders within the Hiver Federation is for the special alignment codes used in the galactic file for this sector.

Hf = Fed. Develop. Agency
H* = Star Patterns Trading
Hi = Six Eyes Nest

I could have removed the internal borders by making all alginment codes for Hiver the same, but I thought it was good as it was.
How would an interested bystander gain access to your Domain map generating application?
It is not very user friedly yet, so I'll have to think about that. But if You have some galactic data that You want to create a domain map from, then just send the data to me, and I'll create the map for You.
OK... that explains the isolated worlds then.

Remind me, where does the border data come from though? Or are you just drawing a border around all the worlds that share the same alignment code and there's no externally defined border to draw?
The imported data (from galactic) has no border data. Traveller Universe puts a border around the worlds that have the same alignment code, and then You have to assign an alignment to the empty spaces, so that these are included within the border as well.

That's how most of these types of programs draw the borders, to my knowledge. I am not certain about Universe, though, so you may want to ask the creator. He's posted to the various Universe threads on COTI, so shouldn't be too hard to find.

so if we use the allegience data then there is no gap in the border between Hivers and Sollies. But if we use some of the print maps then there is a gap in the border between them. But then some maps don't have a gap there. :confused:

Sheesh. Canon sure ain't helping us here, is it... :rolleyes: . I think we really need to come to a decision on what to do about the borders here.
Baron, you most certainly may begin drawing examples, as shall I! It will be interesting to see how the maps turn out.