• Welcome to the new COTI server. We've moved the Citizens to a new server. Please let us know in the COTI Website issue forum if you find any problems.

Spica Forums Down

Yeah, I'm getting the same message as well. I'll contact my hosting company and try to get it sorted.

I hope they can sort it...........
0915 hrs: "All our agents are curently busy. Please continue to hold, your call is important to us."
My hosting company says it was a problem with the servers, which they claim aren't theirs. Pah.

Anyway the forums are back up now.
Hullo sirs. SPL seems to be down. At least my browser can't find the server. Of course, this might be because I'm running my retro system til tomorrow, but I could log on fine yesterday.
They seem to have been dropping off now and then the last while. Never for long, and I only notice because it resets so I have to log in again. At least I suspect it's at the server end
They don't appear to be working properly since yesterday.

I am *more* than a little fed up with this. Unfortunately I can't do anything about it right now as I am not at home.... :mad: