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SPICA Source Material Thread


Hi All,

I was just thinking, can we list all the source material we are using in this thread. For example, some people on here have many of the older sourcebooks and there are those of us relatively new to things who only have some.

With Solomani and Hiver presence I also think we should all be working from the same page. I for example only have the T20 books plus JTAS #13 Hivers. I am sure there has been more done on them and others. I also have the Rats & Cats book but that isn't considered Canon. Since it looks like we will be ditching system names and won't be canon anyhow, I still think we need to decide on the common material we will use as a source and find some way to make sure it doesn't exclude anyone from the project who doesn't have it (So keep them educated and up to speed). Personally I have the cash to just go out and buy any reprints or whatever, but not all will have that option.

Also, all Internet sources should have their links placed in this thread.

Cheers, Will
Here's what I have:
Atlas of the Imperium
Journal 13
CT Alien Module 6 Solomani
CT Alien Module 7 Hivers
GT Alien Races 3
GT Rim of Fire
DGP Solomai and Aslan
Aliens of the Rim; Hivers and Ithklur
Hinterworlds special supplement (the nearest developed canon sector)
CT Alien Module 6 : Solomani
CT Supplements Reprint
GT Core book 2nd Edition
GT Humanati (covers two minor human races nearby)
GT Rim of Fire
T20 Gateway Domain book and PDF

I should gather up the links I've used/posted.

I know this is alot to ask, but I'm guessing like me alot of us don't have and can't find some or all of this canon material.

Is there any chance of a brief summary of the pertinent data

It would be the hymn sheet we could all sing from
GT Alien Races 3
GT Rim of Fire
GT Corebook 2e
CT Solomani Rim supplement

Those are the sources I have...

As for working from the same hymnsheet, that's what the Timeline threads are for
All righty then! I'll provide my list, too.

  • CT:Books 0-8</font>
  • CT:Supplements 1-13</font>
  • CT:Alien Modules 5-8</font>
  • Various Online Sites</font>
  • Galactic 2.4</font>
  • Coming Soon: Heaven & Earth 2.0 Beta</font>